Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

21. Killer Chair, Nakedness and a Fake Birthday
20. Bucket of Caramel Popcorn = $1.50
19. Christmas in a teacup
18. Once you go Asian, you don't go Caucasian
17. Chips
16. Knockout Water
15. Pot ramyun
14. Korean Dinner...An Indian
13. 5 pound rice
12. GM Food?

22. Raindrops keep falling on my head
Written at Tuesday 14 July 2009 | back to top

So I'm already 19 in Korean and still 18 in Britian. It's crazy, I'm so old. I got up and packed for the temple an had the quicket breakfast known to man before grabbing my cards and present and going. The tube annoyed me because I couldn't get a seat althought I had about 5 bags with me, so annoying. I got into a small arguement with a Korean girl too cause she nicked the seat I wanted, it sucked. However my mood was lifted when I got into uni and had cards and presents to open. I got some stickeres, face mask, nail varnish and the cutest earrings off the girls and new charms for my braclet off my parents along with some spending money! I'm really happy about it. We had our last ever lecture and graduation of Indian Buddhism so I have a nice folder with a diploma certificate, it's all good.
We said our thanks to Professor Bronkhurst and gave him a card, he signed our fans for us as a momento and hopefully we'll be seeing hin in Bath for a special lecture. We all popped over to the international office and dropped off our stuff before going to food. I just had soup as I'm not up to eating much at the moment. We had a chat with Mahinda and currently we're in the computer rooms waiting to leave.
My birthday is quite uneventful, I can't say what it's like because I'm bored and we celebrated yesterday. Overall I'm just waiting to go home now.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
materials: Various japanese site
icons: SugarPink
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