Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

11. Jam, Banana & Cheese
10. 'This..plums....we cut with knife.'
9. Chocolate Fish!
8. Noodle X
7. Omelet toast sandwich?
6. Ice Noodles
5. Pocky and Mt Dew
4. Sugar Glaric Bread?!
3. Facepack meal
2. Onigiri

12. GM Food?
Written at Saturday 4 July 2009 | back to top

So I left you earlier after going to the computer room and blogging and facebooking and such. We decided that because we had a free period that we'd go to Deoksugang Palace today instead to go and see the changing of the guard. It was very interesting so watch and the guys let us have pictures with them. We would wave at them and they'd smile, we're lucky because we beat the crowds. There were about a hundred police around, some in riot gear and some in plain clothes because there have been many protests and riots lately. Someone threw a glass bottle at the guards that was dead scary.The guards put on a dead good show; there were bands and traditional music and marching. This guy banged this massive drum, it was dead scary because was like a cannon going off. It took ages for the ceremony but was just so interesting to see so I'm glad we went. We got to have photos with the new guards but they were much scarier.We then got to wander round the palace that was really cool but weird because loads of people want to take your picture and to pose in their photos. It's really weird how much the Koreans love western people, they just always want to talk and shake your hand.We wandered around the palace grounds and done a bunch of filming and just generally chilling out. I think everyone was happy because it's the first day that we've done something touristy. The grounds were lovely and so busy, it cost us about 50p to enter which was really worth it, we had so much fun just making jokes and doing silly poses.
After the Palace we went to Dunking Doughnuts which was a first for Mahinda. He seemed to really enjoy it and we've planned out loads of activities ready to go do in the coming weeks. Everyone then went home but I stuck around and went looking at the shops. I found a really nice lace skirt and bought it for only ?, it's really pretty and amazing, very Korean. I then headed home, no weirdos this time! I managed to call mam and dad and tried to ring Gav but because i have uni on a saturday, I got a little confused about the days.When I got home we had the longest talk ever. We had a big chat about the North and the South and I tried to explain why Wales and England had ongoing hostility. Host mother brought this massive watermelon and I explained why I was shocked because their tiny in comparison in the UK. I also got to have some crisps for the first time and I was told that their made out of 'all potato' not 'GM potatoe like in UK'. I didn't think kettle crisps were modified but prehaps my Korean family know something that I do not :P We then had some discussions about Tea and I had a try of some Chinese tea. In my defence, I did not know what I was drinking. It was okay but a little bland for my liking. I made sure to help brother with his 'avenging' of his friend as he really wants to beat him at English. I have faith in him. He's such a lovely boy and wants to be a famous chemistry sciencist. I'm just about struggling in my mission to be a primary school teacher (which apparently I'll be good at, but then I must have the babies > says Korean mother). Finally it was bed time, food has been left on the table for me as hey want a lie in tomorrow and I'm up really early, I can't blame her really, poor woman is up at 6.30 making my food and drinks before I leave.
Logging off for now,

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