Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

4. Sugar Glaric Bread?!
3. Facepack meal
2. Onigiri
1. Packing and Waiting

5. Pocky and Mt Dew
Written at Tuesday 30 June 2009 | back to top

I'm up at the uni really early again today, I guess it's just easier for me to go on the computers and it's takes me a long journey to get here anyway. On the way to uni I saw a poster for a vet and on it is a fox terrier! I took a photo straight away. I'm quite impressed that I got here on my own, vise versa with getting home last night.
I think today that we are meeting the man who made the trip possible, I have a welsh squashy rugby ball for him as a present. After that we are getting... PIZZA! I can't wait! Although me and Caroline have to find the place, that hsould be quite hard, the campus is so large. We're then going around the town and going to tourist information to get leaflets and broushures. Hopefully we'll have loads of time to go shopping. I'm not sure if I'll buy anything today but I definiatly want to find a Lolita shop.
This morning for brecfast I had facepack salad again along with Korean Melon. It was lovely but a little too sweet. Host mother stopped me beofre I went out the door today, I managed to get a treat for uni. Pocky (long biscuit sticks with chocolate on) and mountain dew. It made me laugh and she seemed very happy. I managed to walk with Brother today too. He was tired as he was up late studying hard. He really wants his computer game. I explained that my boyfriend also likes computer games.
I now have to go to international affairs to meet the others.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
materials: Various japanese site
icons: SugarPink
Editing Program: Photoscape
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