Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

12. GM Food?
11. Jam, Banana & Cheese
10. 'This..plums....we cut with knife.'
9. Chocolate Fish!
8. Noodle X
7. Omelet toast sandwich?
6. Ice Noodles
5. Pocky and Mt Dew
4. Sugar Glaric Bread?!
3. Facepack meal

13. 5 pound rice
Written at Sunday 5 July 2009 | back to top

Hello again,
So I got up mega early, got ready and put on my super cute dress. I had my breacfast that was left for me, had a wash and brushed my teeth. I got my bag and off I was, ready to go. Except as soon as I opened the door, I set off all the alarms in the apartment making my host mother get up and spoiling her lie in. I was soo embrassed like you would not believe! I kind of left in a hurry after that and got on the metro. I brought my DS to play and it made the time fly way better than normal. I managed to go and get to Donguk University and get lost as we were all meeting at a certain Cafe. I rung Helena and I managed to find it but when I got there it was shut. I was starving so I didn't to walk until I found a nice open cafe. I managed to walk 3 tube lines before getting to one! Because I walked so far I managed to make myself late as I had to get another tube back, it was crazy!
We walked to the ambassitor hotel and met a nun, Mr Kim and Professor along with Mahinda. We got into two taxis and was off toKyeomg Bk Palace. It was really huge and much grander than the one yesterday as it had been rebuilt for historical purposes.
We had some more photo opputunities and I got to talk with the nun who was really nice and very pretty. Our tickets in were paid for and we had a tour guide. I did some filming but got bored very easily so did not get much done. Our tour guide was very nice and her english was amazing. I learnt that the king and queen had seperate houses and that the mother of the king was in some ways more important than the king himself. Also about the zodiac animals protecting the Palace from evil. We then got to stroll around the houses and the gardens, it was boiling though and everyone had really horrible headaches. Some schoolchildren got their photos with us, it was really funny.
Afterwards we passed this hut where you could try on the gaurds uniform. We managed to blackmail the professor into dressing up (we said he'd either dress up or go to the temple :P) which he done and looked very well suited. He even walked like the gaurds did. Lucy and Helena dressed up with him as you could only do a few at a time. Afterwards me and Caroline dressed up. We managed to get different colours and make angry poses for the camera.
Later we got in the Taxi to Insydone and had some food. The nun and Mr Kim ordered lots of side orders and we each got tiny amount of rice. Me and the professor talked about Switzerland and Ammsterdam (he's dutch and teaches in Switzerland currently) and then about religion as a whole when the bill came and we had to pay 10,000 won each. Now 5 pound is resonable for a meal but for me, it was not as I only had a spoonful and politely declineded the offer of more. I now have learnt my lesson.
After the shock of lunch we again got in a taxi and we went to the Korean Museum . It would've been interesting at a different time but because we'd be walking around all day no one was really fussed. We looked at the paintings and fine art but then went to the gift shop and to get some ice cream.
Finally our day events were over and we all made our ways home. Lucy had to go to the Karoke with her host family so Helena, Caroline and myself went to Myeong Dong which is amazing. We didn't get to look around for long but they are so many things I want to buy. I am thinking of leaving some of my ugly british ones behind as Korean clothes are cheap and delicate. I am definiately going back soon.
I got home about 8.30ish and had some fruit. We started singing Hey Jude and they loved my t-shirt when I explained that it was the Beatles. Me and the host mother reinated this morning for everyone to laugh at and we made fruit tea which was... strange. I told them about my day and host father went out and bought a book for me on Buddhism. It's very nice of him. Brother is running around like a nutter because he has a P.E exam tomorrow. I was talking about Korean fashion (the girls here wear short skirts, long tops and little heels and clipclap everywhere) and I started teasing him about making liking a girl in school. His mother joined in and he went bright red, it's really funny to watch. We then had some crisps and helped brother revise for his exams and I acted out various scenes from today. Host mother commented that I'm looking Korean today, I think it's because of my makeup, short hair and asian dress sense. I'm definately dying my hair black when I get home though.
I've uploaded photos for you all to look at now so plese check them out!
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
materials: Various japanese site
icons: SugarPink
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