Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

14. Korean Dinner...An Indian
13. 5 pound rice
12. GM Food?
11. Jam, Banana & Cheese
10. 'This..plums....we cut with knife.'
9. Chocolate Fish!
8. Noodle X
7. Omelet toast sandwich?
6. Ice Noodles
5. Pocky and Mt Dew

15. Pot ramyun
Written at Tuesday 7 July 2009 | back to top

Hello all,
Today we're been doing not much as it's host family day. The lecture wasn't very interesting and Lucy was back in from being ill. We all decided to go 'for a western' which consisted of chips an a panini. It was lovely and we talked about what's happening in the next few days. Only 2 people are allowed to go to the Demilitarized Zone. Helena was very nice and gave up her place for me, I'm really lucky so me and Caroline are going on the weekend. Lucy and Helena went home and me and Caroline stayed for a few moments to go on the computers and reply to emails etc. I then left and walked to the tube station to go home. I could hear the noise as I ascended to my flat. As I entered I was greeted by 12 adolescent boys and poor mother. There were laptops thrown around on the floor, each child hooked up to a headset and shouting angrily. It looked like I'd stepped into a MI5 headquarters. After many questions 'who are you?', 'where are you from?', 'how old are you?", I was beckoned forth to come play Starcraft, the Korean Addiction game (think world of warcraft, same company, same addictive powers over boys). I assume I done well as one child was taunted with chants as I destroyed his player. After much chocolate and more questions the children grabbed shoes and run home (or to game bang, a gaming cafe) I was later informed. I helped mother clean up and used the computer before we got ready and went to the Lotte Department store. Lotte Department is like, perhaps House of Frasier with a cinema and Resturant. Mother bought the tickets for (wait for it... *gulp) Terminator. I faked enthusiasm in the upcoming film and done a very bad Arnie impression. We went downstairs for some babimbap which tasted horrible but I managed to somehow eat up. We then waited for the film to start and was bought some honey popcorn and a drink. I closed my eyes for the evil that began on the huge screen. It's not that I don't like the film but more that I'm terrified of the terminators. I wish we'd stuck to the original plan, a j-horror or night at the museum 2. The film was overall not bad but I must admit I was shaking leaving the cinema.
Brother complained he wanted a snack so we went to the nearest 7/11 and got some Ramyun and some pocky and melon. We got home and mother tried to explain it was was an instant meal. I didn't want to point out that we had these in the UK but I made a big show and clapped at the 'magic' of Korea. She then brought out these cakey snack things. They were sticky and tasted like pasta when you put them in your mouth. However, as soon as you bit in a sticky sweet liquid came out. It was the weirdest sensation ever and I did not eat another.
Anyway, tomorrow should be interesting,
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
materials: Various japanese site
icons: SugarPink
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scripts: Dynamic Drive
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