Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

13. 5 pound rice
12. GM Food?
11. Jam, Banana & Cheese
10. 'This..plums....we cut with knife.'
9. Chocolate Fish!
8. Noodle X
7. Omelet toast sandwich?
6. Ice Noodles
5. Pocky and Mt Dew
4. Sugar Glaric Bread?!

14. Korean Dinner...An Indian
Written at Monday 6 July 2009 | back to top

So today I got dressed and fixed myself up before going to university. Father and I got a lift off mother but only to the Tube station. I got a seat early and was able to play animal crossing on my Nintendo. We got off and father saw a colleague who bought us a taxi, it was very kind of him. We got to university early and I was able to buy some biscuits and a Mountain dew. The others came in except for Lucy who is ill today, I feel bad for her as Migraines are horrible. I listened but I'd already studied the subject so it was a little boring to me. We where then allowed to go early so I went and changed some travellers cheques with Caroline. It took so long, about 30 minutes in all. I now appear rich in Korean Won when in sterling it is very little (5GBP=10,000 Won). We got our money and had Babimba in the canteen with Mahinda. I think he was Little upset as the nun did not have time to come and eat with us today. We discussed many things about filming and home. It made me a little home sick which was annoying as I'm getting used to Korea now.
We left Mahinda and went to the library to research and study although not much got done as we were mainly looking at photos and looking up touristy things to do as we are no longer going to JeJudo Island.
We decided to leave the computers and visit father. I told him we were going shopping and he gave us an orange juice to take with us. I think we really brighten up the office when we come over and say hi to everyone in the international place.
I decided that we should go to Myeong Dong so together we took the tube down. When we got there, we were so amazed we didn't know what to look at first. It was amazing, so many shops and clothes and shoes. I loved every second. We wandered for ages and picked up various things. Lotte department was very disappointing as it was very expensive and not very fun. Helena got hungry so we all went in search of food. On the way up we passed a noodle bar and there where white gentlemen sitting in the window, excited to see them I waved. They looked very awkward and apparently it meant we couldn't eat there. However, the girls hid me and we swallowed the embarrassment and went and sat down. We called over a few waiters and tried to explain that we didn't eat fish or meat. They tried to tell us that the only vegetarian meal was for two and because we are a three it wouldn't work. Helena tried auguring but eventually we got up and left. We wandered around for ages until they stopped for a cigarette and then I noticed an Indian place. It was a sauce, drink and nann for only 11,000 so we went up and tried to explain we were veggies. The guy was little confused at first but then when I showed him my Korean translation book he sat us and got a menu, there were loads of veggie curries so we ordered away. I also had a Lassi, a yogourt drink for the first time, it was really nice and cool. My mild curry was very hot but otherwise yummy. We talked over food and then went back to the shops where we got some clothes. I got the lushest dress, it's a kind of Lolita one and I got it for 5GBP, very happy.
Lucy said she was going home so we thought it'd be a good time to depart. I got on the train asap and got a seat so I played Nintendo on my way home. I called Gav and it was nice to talk to him, he thought I was saying something weird when I was saying hello in Korean to my doorman.
When I got in I had a lovely plate of watermelon sitting for me, I am very lucky. We talked about what to do tomorrow (it's host family day after university) and we are going to the cinema with brother and his friends to watch terminator. The films are in English with Korean subtitles so I should be okay. Brother got 0 wrong on maths, P.E and ethics, I'm very proud of him. Tomorrow is Geography and English, I said he must do well for me and I am currently giving him lots of tips.
I am hoping to join Erasmus when I get back to university in England because it's possible to study someplace. I am thinking of studying in Florence, Italy for my third year. However, I am yet undecided. I would really like to travel more and Italy seems ideal. I do enjoy Korea and maybe I will come back to the International school one day to teach English.
Logging off for now,

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