Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

17. Chips
16. Knockout Water
15. Pot ramyun
14. Korean Dinner...An Indian
13. 5 pound rice
12. GM Food?
11. Jam, Banana & Cheese
10. 'This..plums....we cut with knife.'
9. Chocolate Fish!
8. Noodle X

18. Once you go Asian, you don't go Caucasian
Written at Friday 10 July 2009 | back to top

I'm not quite sure what a green tea latte is but I didn't like it when I came and now I do. That and the fact I can't remember what a white person looks like is proof that I'm now a honorary Korean. I was still feeling rough today but the lecture was alright and in the break I joked with professor saying that I really wanna hang out with the Jain's and poke them in the eye, then it mentioned 'hanging out' in the lecture. I was dead impressed. We then had a break and had our special lecture, toady's was on Business and Korean investment opportunities; it sounds boring but was interesting and the guy was really amusing. We then hung around and got a burger king (well fries and onion rings, no wonder I'm getting fatter) before seeing the big boss guy. He was really nice and offered tea and coffee. We also saw his little girl on video call who was sooo cute, I want to steal her. The little Korean kids are adorable, I think I'll adopt one. We're lucky because we don't have to do an essay for class now as our assessment is the DVD not the course so we just get to get a certificate for showing up. We then went to the tube to go to Insadong where Caroline was chatted up by a fittie old man ;) and then started being flirted with by a student. Because of a loss of translation we got off too early and had to re catch the metro. We then got off and realized we were lost so Lucy tried to look on the big map when this crazy witch type lady came over and started shouting directions. We said thanks and hid until she was gone to bring out the map. However when we got the map out she reappeared and started shouting again, it was crazy! We proper run away from her and found our way by asking people. It was a nice after to just stroll and look at shops and buy some presents. Helena and Caroline figured out how to use their cards out here which is really good. We got shakes in between shopping and these students appeared downstairs with Free Hugs sign. As a laugh I decided to go down whilst Caroline and Helena filmed me. So I waited ages for this arrogant American to shift and then the Koreans were really excited and gave me hugs and waved to the camera. It looks so funny on film! We all had a laughing fit and was a bit sugar high before going back to shopping where we scared small children by trying to give them a Balloon. Before going home we got these weird fried potatoes on a stick, they were well nice. Caroline saw a shoe stall and was iffing and arring about thee shoes until we pointed out that their actually costing 1.50GBS. It was really funny and we definitely will be making fun of her for a while to come.
We all then went to the tube station and saw a sign for BIG CLOTHES, that meant us as it's hard to find Korean clothes for a British frame. After going our separate ways I was on the tube and the metro line stopped. A nice Korean man helped me by telling me I had to get off for the cleaners. I said thanks and stepped away, learning my lessons after other Korean people. However he kept talking and I just answered minimalistic answers hoping he'd go away but he'd keep talking and tried to let him walk me home. I declined and made out I was going a different way home but he didn't leave without a fight and I have his name, number and email address scrawled on my hand and I have his card. It turns out he's a director for an electricity company and would very much like to meet me for coffee and lunch. He's quite harmless but it's still crazy how the boys just home in on me. Caroline reckons it's because I'm quite cute looking in a Korean way, wearing the same dresses and speaking the same. If only though, I don't see the attraction, Korean girls are just so pretty, no, beautiful here, I can't see why a guy would look at a Caucasian girl ever again.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
materials: Various japanese site
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