Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

40. Home is where the Heart is, but Seoul is where...
39. Goodbye!!
38. Last day in Korea
37. PIzza and Coke
36. To fight for a country they never knew and a p...
35. The Ice Man
33. Big Icream and the 18 Pixel Simulator
32. Never Make Jewellry
31. Sleep

40. Home is where the Heart is, but Seoul is where it matters.
Written at Wednesday 29 July 2009 | back to top

So I'm in the UK and in my house. The flight was long, 11 hours this time. I managed to watch, Monsters vs Aliens, 17 Again, Bride wars, Back to the future and I love you Man. It was crazy and the food was horrible. I had this crazy Korean girl who put her seat all the way back and then would sit up, not even to use it! I twinged my back too, it really really hurt but Helena was so nice and bought me these strip things to help it.
At one point on the plane, we went through turbulence and the plane just dropped, I did mutter some words under my breathe and the guy next to me thought we were all going to die but it was okay, apparently the quickest way out of clouds is to just drop through the air.
We got off in Paris and transferred quickly, we waited an hour and got on a tiny airbus only to go up and then down, it was an amazing flight and when we got to Heathrow, our luggage arrived really early on.
Mam and Dad bought a big sign with my name on, I felt like a movie star. I managed to chat the whole journey back to wales and in the house, it was about 1am when we finally all got to bed.
Overall I loved Seoul and I really want to go back, maybe see Japan and China next time.
Here are the things I learnt in Korea:
1. If your white, prepared to get stared at.
2. No one knows where Wales is.
3. In Seoul, Vegetarian = eat everything, get ready to live on rice...
4. The North of Korea is a scary place.
5. Although mainly a Buddhist country, many people are only Buddhist in Theory.
6. Be prepared to eat the same thing for lunch, dinner and breakfast.
7. No one follows Confucius anymore.
8. When people start getting off the tube in mass numbers, follow them.
9. Get ready to see alot of Palaces and Temples.
10. Just because someone is a monk, don't expect them to act like it.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my time in Korea,
Logging off for the last time,

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39. Goodbye!!
Written at Tuesday 28 July 2009 | back to top

So I got up about 10 ish and had my last ever Omellet! Yay!!!! Mother was really upset this morning and they loed my card with my bad Korean Calligraphy. I'm going to miss them. I packed up my last stuff and put the thigns I didn't want into bags and tried to explain that she can have them. The clothes would probably swamp her though. Next she drove me to Madu station. We waited, and waited, and waited for Mahinda but he didn't show. I had to ring on my UK mobile which really sucked nad he wouldn't pick up. my mother went searching for him, running around like a headless chicken, it was scary. He arrived an hour later than arranged and we got into a cab. I said goodbye to my mother and she hugged me really really tightly. I thought she wasn't going to let me go.
Next we waved goodbye and left for the airport. That's where I am now but I have to log off due to the secruity. The North are always trying to hack the airport through phone signals, or so I'm told.
I'm really excited to go back to the UK now, I've missed everyone so much.
Logging off for now,

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38. Last day in Korea
Written at Monday 27 July 2009 | back to top

Today I felt sad as it was the last day and I wasn't really up for leaving. I got up and showered before having my sandwhiches. I went to uni and only done half of the lecture. At 12 we went with Keele to the British Council and Embassy. There we talked about our experiences and why we came. We had a buffet style lunch which was lovely.
Next we had a rooftop party with free wine. As Brittish students we took it upon ourselves to try and make sure the 40 bottles were disposed of properly.
Overall a non exciting day but a sad one. I've learnt that Seoul is one of those places that can make a Westerner feel really excited, speical and very beautiful. I'm going to be sad to leave.
Even as I write this the woman who has acted as my mother for a month is crying over my departure. Indeed, I am sad to leave.
Logging off for now,

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37. PIzza and Coke
Written at Sunday 26 July 2009 | back to top

Today has been pretty uneventful and I've packed all my stuff up. I'm really sad about it actually. I went to Myeong-Dong and bought this tee that I've had my eye on for a while, it's a designer one, BSX, a Korean brand but I really wanted it and i had my birthday money. On the way to a jewellery shop a guy grabbed me and told me how beautiful I was before teasing me about my eyes. I tried to use it to my advantage by getting a discount at his stall but it wasn't really happening.
I got the tube back and saw Korean boy who sometimes walks me to the flats.
On my way I took my chance to ask about western girls and Korean opinion on them. He said that we're pretty because of our white skin, it means that we were rich enough not to work in rice fields and get tanned. I laughed and explained that it was a good ting to be tanned in the UK as it shows you can afford to go abroad. Next he told me that we have wide eyes which is just a nicety. Also western girls have hourglass figures, or so I rather from the hand movements, Korean girls are straight. I told him that this was also funny as western girls seem to strive for a thin look, a more Korean figure and dress code. Finally he told me that my attention comes from looking Western but dressing Asian, looking like a young girl making me cute. I'm glad the flattery stopped there and was replaced by a chocolate bar. I'll be sad to leave my friend but I may email him to keep in contact.
I came in about 6ish and to my surprise the door went and everyone walked in. About five minutes later the doorbell went, Pizza Hut. They'd ordered a pizza with wedges on as a farewell meal. I was so excited, even more when I realised there was coke involved.
Overall it's been a good day, but I still don't want to go home.
Logging off for now,

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36. To fight for a country they never knew and a people they never met.
Written at Saturday 25 July 2009 | back to top

Today I had a lie in and a nice shower and we all met up in Samgakji to go to the War Museum. First we looked the war memorial and I was really taken aback. I couldn't believe how many USA/UK soldiers died helping Korea. It was really shocking to see the names up there. Also commonwealth countries and neighbors had helped fight against the North. I also was stunned by the names of Koreans who died, the names just did not end, it was frightening.
We then looked at the fighter planes, tanks, cars, weapons and uniforms used and being used in war, I can't believe how big everything was.
There were huge statues of brothers hugging and apparently one was north and one was south, it was sad to look up at their embrace and imagion how war can tear families against one another. Another monument was a teardrop made of dog tags surrounded by barbed wire. It was interesting but upsetting.
We got entry to the museum and wandered round. I went into a firing range and discovered that I'm a hopeless shot when it comes to lasers. We also went into a submarine and looked and pretended to be Marines. We also went into the refugee camp which was disturbing, such awful conditions and such strength. We went to a reenactment room but it wasn't very good as we were bombarded by school children and the show was in Korean. On the way out Helena was in a daze and walked into the back of a German guy which sent us all into hysterics.
We left and went to Insdong to grab some lunch. I had rice and the others had Babimbap. We then went shopping only to be cornered by a boy doing a school project. As he was interviewing people got curious to see what we were up to and surrounded us. Men started taking our picture. I turned to one of the English speaking Koreans and asked maybe if we were famous in Korea to get so much attention. However, he turned his attention to try and get our mobile numbers.
Apart from this the day was quite ordinary. I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow.
Logging off for now,

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35. The Ice Man
Written at Friday 24 July 2009 | back to top

So I've just come in and what a night! We went shopping for a bit and I got a dress and earrings and then we set off with Vicky, Caroline's student,to find the ice bar. We eventually got there and paid 15000won to get in. We were given huge coats and snow boats and a free drink. Now I should've known by the word ICE that it was going to be cold but I didn't quite grasp the concept. The drinks however really warmed me up and we jumped around.
Now Caroline pointed out a big statue of a man, and we realised that there was a tube coming out of.. well you can guess that bit. It being Caz and her birthday I got presuaded to do a shot with her. I had to bend in a crude manner and suck to get a large shot of Absolut vodka. It was disgusting and many photos were taken. It was however really funny to watch Caz do the same. We left because Vicky was slowly freezing to death and we walked along the streets. There was a big band playing the offspring and I took a timeout to stand and sing in the crowd. We then found Club street which wasn't as amazing as it sounds before settling down in a bar on the econd floor. I had Sex on the Beach and the girls had a beer. I tried on my new shoes and tottered around in them. We talked about nothing before getting bored and leaving.
Vicky then led the way and we all went to a Karoke bar. It was really amazing and I was surprised at the amount of metal songs on there that you could sing. Vicky reay came out of her shell and proper went for it. We had such a fun time but eventually it was 10.30 and we needed to get home.
I caught a tube but the lines got mixed up so I'm home really late now.
Logging off for now,

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So last night when I left you I got talkikng with my host family. They asked me about m day so I told them about the folk village. Suddenly everyone disapeared and returned with huge books, photo albums. Apparently mother and fathers first date was at the folk village. They met in 1991 and where married in 1995. He proposed on her birthday and sent 100 red roses, it was really cute. Father takes alot of photos and many where of mother. After this album the wedding photos came out. They had three cermonies, one was more western with a big white dress and a suit. They got married at Lotte World which is like Disneyland, in the castle and the photos are adorable, she looks like a princess. The next was traditional in Korea and was done at the folk village, she was done up in Geisha-est makeup and clothes and hidden for the entire cermony. The last was a resgistars office where a suit and plain white dress were worn. The pictures are amazing and she looks so beautiful, it was breathtaking.
Next we had the honeymoon pictures where I saw a picture of father in a speedo, disturbing isn't even close to the word I have in mind. They went to Jujedo island which is really picture perfect, think Hawii style. Then we just had general photos and towards the end she pointed to her stomach and plainly said , 'baby'. Next we had the birth pictures, it was a little gross, not type the pictures we'd show in the UK if you get me and then really cute baby photos, brother is so adorable, I think I'm going to adopt an Korean child.
A few days after the birth, mother and father went to Japan for a holiday whilst brother was handed over to his aunty. I thought this was really shocking, and she just kinda popped him out an then went on vaccation, crazy.

Anywho, today was Carolines birthday so I got up and showered and stuff before munching my food eally quick and going to uni. On the way up I bought a chocolate cake and gave it to my father to hide in the office. I met Caz in the lecture and she thanked me. In her hands she had a package so I welcomed her and sat down. I asked where Helena was only to find out that she wasn't in. This confused me as Helena had the presents, so how did Caz have presents already? I looked over confused and realised that the presents were different to the ones that we'd bought, now I was trying to text Helena to try and find out what was going on.
Helena came in late and gave Caz her presents which confused Caz as she realised the things in front of her were not from us. She said that Mahinda had given them and we told her that we knew nothing about it. Nonetheless, Caz opened her stuff and was so excited. She read the card first and was questioning our mesages about loosing our souls to one of the presents. She rifled through them trying to see which one was the special one and squealed when she saw her braclet. I was so happy that she liked it, it was so hard to make (see post no. 32). Caz also loved her book which I then teased her about due to the fact she's bee trying to buy it for days only for Helena and myself to distract her.
Break time came and we bunked off to the computer room to update our friends and family on Korean life. Helena pretended to go back to lecture but snuck off to the western bar with the cake. We all met at 12 and got interiewed by the Keele Uni students who are also making a film. We all walked to the western bar and ordered Pizzas, they were lovely and had wedges on top. About halfway through Caz said she was full and Helena and I tried to keep her from eating anymore as we still had the cake. Unfortunately Caz forced it down, I was slightly worried as the cake needed to be eaten ASAP. We grabbed the plates and told Caz to watch out stuff as we sorted the cake out, however being nosy as ever she came to clear stuff away, making me shove her down the ramp. I think it was worth the pushing however and she was excited to see the cake. We all struggled to eat apiece and decieded it would go to a good home in the international office to be munched on.
I'll update later but,
Logging off for now,

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33. Big Icream and the 18 Pixel Simulator
Written at Thursday 23 July 2009 | back to top

Hello all,
Today I got up really early and showered and such before getting on the tube. Father made us late as he slept in a little, revenge I suppose. I met the girls at Gangnam and fate brought us altogether at Starbucks, I suppose the urge for coffee in the morning is too much. We walked to the bus stop and we needed the 5001-1 bus. We got on a 5001 bus thinking it wasn't so important, how wrong we were. We asked around but realised quickly that it wasn't going where we wanted to go so we got off. Apparently that dash 1 is really important in the bus world.
We travelled for about 40 minutes and noticed that the majority of people on the bus were also going to the folk village so we stuck together. We arrived and got some water before going to the gates. A nice lady gave us a voucher which enabled us to use all the park for 16000won which is pretty awesome. I wasn't bothered about the theme park bit but seeing as it was the same price as a not so good ticket we just went for it.
We enetered and I was amazed, think St Faggens on a larger scale. We missioned over to the preforming area and watched a guy on a tightrope do stunts. My favourite quote came from Caroline who said, 'he's got to be wearing protection right?' Next we went and watched a traditional wedding cememony but I was ambushed by highschoolers who were very interested in asking me questions about my favourite animals, colours and Korean things, making me miss some of the cermony. I was shocked to see how disrecptful some people are as there was a woman just going right up and taking pictures in the actors faces blocking other peoples views. Other people were talking loudly on phones or just getting up and walking. It was too flustrating for us and we left the show early. Next Caroline almost cried in excitement as there was a horse show. We went and petted the horses and watched the stunt show, which was really quite amazing. They done backflips and stood up and everything, I filmed some for us to watch later. We were the only adults and were surrounded by tweo reception classes that proceeded to chant FALL OFF in Korean at the preformers. It was at that point a big guy with a whip came and cracked it repetitively on the floor to scare them.
After the horses we got some lunch, I had rice and the other two had omelletes with various fillings. We were laughing at two white boys who were obviously being shown around by a Korean friend and had bought them lunch. Their faces gave the impression of unamusement and dislike but tried to eat it as not to offend. However when the friend went to get water they shared their mutual dislike and where seeking ways to hide the food.
We wandered around after food looking at workshops on pipemaking and taffy rolling. We wandered amounst the old buildings and people and explored the museums. One of the displays was funny as it is customary to peep in the honeymoon suite of a newly wed couple. We peeped and there was a film on loop, just as it was getting randy then groom smiled at the camera and switched off the lights. It was quite amusing.
We wandered back over the bridge to the performances and there was a farmers band. They had really amazing hats will ribbons attached that made amazing patterns by moving their heads in certain ways. They done flips and songs and the main guy shook my hand which was strange and we thought that I'd have to go and preform with them but he did not pull me up so it was good. The band played really traditional but funky tunes and we danced a little and clapped. It was a great show.
So we were walking through the town and it suddenly got very quiet, Helena was on her phone and got some really dirty looks. It's only that I backtraced my steps and realised that we were on the set of a Korean TV drama. It was quite funny and everyone was looking at us, the actors had stopped rehersing to throw a glance at our prescene. We quickly exited and went to watch a lady make silk from the worms. I was shocked because I thought maybe they'd be moving by she quickly popped one out of it's sack and munched it up for us to film. Worrying what people eat out here.
We then went to go home only for Caroline to ask why we weren't going to the theme park. We wandered over to the area and it was like aghost town. Nothing was on or working so we wandered futher in. I bought an ice cream which was like the size of me, it was lovely and so refreshing. Caroline spotted a simulator and I went on it with her. It was the naffest thing ever and I just laughed the entire time. The story was about the primaids and you had to read something in a certin amount of time. Getting in a Koreans car was much scarier than it. Also it was an old one and the graphics were stuck back in the 90s.
Next we went on a rollacoster which was scary, only for the number of trees and bushes hitting us on our way round. Then we went on some twirly round thing which went a little too fast and I crushed poor Caroline. She felt really sick and the ride went on forever, I wasn't too keen about being thrown up on. Helena suggested we go on the carosel which went about 0.1mph, toddlers were walking around it faster than the horses going. Did I mention we were the only adults in this park, it must've been quite a sight. Lastly we went on a train that went around the park. The guy looked at us stupid as we made childish noises and screamed when the thing almost broke.
We left the park thinking there was nothing else for us, how wrong we were. There were these animals with wheels on. Caroline entered 1000w to have a go and a guy started up a machine. She sat on the giraffe (she's always going, 'you're having a graffe!') and it started playing music and going round really slowly. It was the funniest things we've seen in our lives and was filmed. It was so good that we went on again and I joined in, favouring a Zebra. The animals moved round at a deathly pace and the music was something you'd hear on CBBC channel.
So overall today was really amazing and probably the best day I've had out.
Logging off for now,

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32. Never Make Jewellry
Written at Wednesday 22 July 2009 | back to top

So I couldn't update it properly on Wednesday back I'm writing this blog in the future now. After the protest me and Helena broke off and decieded to sort things out for Carolines Birthday. Our first task was to tryand convincve her not to go to the bookstore as one ofour plans was to buy the book that she was after. This took great skill and sneakiness and we managed to convince her to do some university work. We got the tube to the bookshop and picked up the book, God is Dead which has short stories in. We got it wrapped and went over to the artbox to pikc up wrapping paper and a few bits and bobs. Next we got a coffee and a tube over to Myeoung Dong and trailed around looking for this really cute store where my earrings are from. Apparently when shopping for my birthday Caroline really liked the idea of making a braclet so we figured this would be an aweome gift. We picked up a dragonfly, and some herat charms and the braclet. It was a DIY section and we figured it wouldn't be so hard to put the thing together. How very wrong we were. A combination of fake nails and chubby fingers did not help us trying to prise open a link, slip the charm on and plyers it back together. We had five charms and it was getting late. It took us about 40 minutes in all and there was much swearing and laughing in hysterics at the situation. The worse part was when we thought we'd finish only to notice that we'd put a charm on backwards. It was at that point that we were thinking a plyers and making Caroline make it herself. However we pervialed and the completed thing looks lovely.
Logging off for now,

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31. Sleep
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Hiya again,
Today I got up really late. I set my alarm for 6 and then decided I wanted to sleep until 7, only to be awoken by mother to tell me I slept in and was late. I decided that I wouldn't miss much and had a shower and took my time. I strolled to the metro and got off in Anguk and went to the guiding store. I managed to buy some uniform and a badge to take back with me, it's very interesting to see and I took some photos. Their English was bad so I was sad that I could not talk to others about guiding. I then rang my Mam in Wales and chatted on the phone before going to the cosmetics store and then to university. I had the tripod with me and it was breaking my back, I'm glad to no long have it as a burden.
I met Helena and found out that Caroline had also slept in and would be meeting us. We decided that today would be good to go to the women's protest so we got on the tube and went to the Japanese Embassy.
Once there people took our photos and we talked to a man who was a 102 years old and could speak English, Chinese and Korean. We were lucky to meet him. Slowly women appeared and the Embassy shut the gates and the police and riot police came out. The women were protesting because when Japan invaded Korea, they made many woman become prostitutes for the Japanese solders. They re-enacted it in song and dance and it was very moving. The elderly women were very determined and every Wednesday at 12, without fail, they protest and demand an apology for what happened to them.
We filmed them and there were many cameras there ready to film if the Japanese apologised but nothing happened. We went back to uni for lunch and then decided to wander the Gangnam station shops. We also got some bad news from Lucy, the DMZ border tour got cancelled due to swine flu, however, Lucy got home to the UK safely. I'm glad she's okay.
I can't write much more today but will on Friday.
Logging off for now,

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39. Ready for liftoff!
Written at Tuesday 21 July 2009 | back to top

So at the airport now waiting to fly back to the sunny UK. I had a leisurely lie in and I got dressed and packed the little things. Mother cried again. I will sure miss my host family. She drove me to Madu station where we had to wait AGES for Mahinda to come. She even run around looking for him, it was annoying. He finally pulled up in a taxi and I hugged my mother goodbye. I have her email address so I'll definately keep in touch.
On the way to the airport we talked about what might be good for the people going next year, I think I'm going to put my blog down as a reading list for them, hopefully it'll give an idea of what to look for next year.
Logging off for now,

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30. Tofu and Fruit Salad
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So was very tired and went to bed earlish after writing my blog. I got up and had a shower about 6ish and my breakfast at 7.15ish. Now inbetween the time I went into the bathroom and brushe dmy teeth, father had his brecfast, got dressed and put on his shoes and was calling me to hurry up. I'm not really sure how he manages to do it but one day I'll catch him out.
We got to class really early so I got us good seats. Luckily we could finish at 10.40 as it was Dongguk graduation for some of the monks and teachers. Because the weather was good and we were all feeling refreshed we decieded that today would be good to do the Inwangsan Shamanist Hillside Walk. Now, I really do hate Korea Sparkling because not only did it lie to me about Noodle X being open, but it also lied to me about it being a 'hillside'walk. First we had to get out of the tube station and walk up this really hard slope, then up this hill to the top where we met some Americans and chatted then up some steps, and that was just the beginning. We got lost and started chatting to a monk who let us go in the temple alone to film and take pictures as much as we wanted. We searched high and low for the Shamanistic icons but only found Buddhist ones until the last 5 minutes where we spotted the drawings in the corner. We then moved on up the mountain, yes mountain, to these rocks which apparently look like a monk praying. I couldn't see it but apparently it brings fertillity. I figured I'd get blessed ready for the future and I done my prayers. I done extra as it's more work to ask for a girl than a boy, it sucked and my legs hurt after a while. We filmed a little and realised that there was a monk sitting on top of the mountain. Stupidly we figured we could get to him, how wrong we were.
We passed the Shamanistic temple, which was closed to our dismay, and carried on up the rocks. We met the American couple and figured that if they were climbing the mountain, than we definately could. Helena was a tad nervous of heights so I went first, she as behind and the Caroline at the rear. It was at this point that we realised flip flops were not the best idea in the world. I tried to find logs and gap in the stones to climb up and we stopped at the highest point to drink the cleansing mountain water. I'm pretty sure we almost deprived the rest of Seoul water for that time as it was really nice and cold. We carried on through the mountain and then started our descent. This was easier said than done and the sweat was running down me. I was at the back this time due to not being confident with going downhill. Helena became one with the forest and walked barefoot most the way and helped me to not slide down the hills.
We finished our walk and realised we smelt really quite bad and had to go meet a film direstcor. We wandered around a little and bought some t-shirts and spray and wetwipes to clean up. I thinkw e done agood job. We then went to meet Mahinda ina new area to get a taxi to the directors house. It was a strange place we went to, near an army base so many white girls and boys. It was unnverving and I really didn't like it there. It was too.. western and I think I'm now prefering the company of Asian people. There were all Americanised stores and one even called, ENGLAND! It was really disturbing. We bought a cake for Lee Myung-se, the director and went to his office in a taxi. He was a very nice guy and smoked like a trouper. He made us a lot of black coffee and was great to interview, I felt very lucky to interview him and he made me realise that I should be doing film, that life is too short. I could relate to him very much and we got talking about Anime and Manga series. I told the girls that he was my temple, my church. I am in much awe of the man. I gave him my email and youtube address, I hope maybe he will contact me.
After the interview his producer and assistants joined us and we went to Myeongdong for dinner. We walked up a dingey alleyway and I was surprised at how cool the resturant was. I had three bowls of rice wine which is really nice and he was kind and ordered omlette, cucumber, fruit salad and tofu for me and Caroline. Everyone had a good laugh and we made jokes about Mahinda, calling him the monk paparazzi because he takes about a million or so photographs.
Anyway, logging off for now,

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29. "I'm sorry Joey, you're just a tool"
Written at Monday 20 July 2009 | back to top

So we got off the bus and was picked up straight away by this nice man called Truman, because he is a True Man apparently. We went over to our Hotel and were shocked. Mahinda got his own room with a double bed and we all went upstairs to find mats on the floor. It was disheartening. It was also at that point when we looked around that we realised we were in THAT type of motel, say where married men may come for some alone time or with a female caller. This assumption was due to the videos left for our viewing pleasure and some of the channels on TV...
Moving on, we went out for dinner to a vegetarian place and the guy ordered for us. Loads of food got brought out and we munched away, I tried many things such as pumpkin soup, acorn jelly, tofu and peppers until I was full. Only then did we realise that was only starter and our main arrived with rice and broth and pancakes. It was nice but we were really really full. Then came out a cake dessert and rice cakes, it was a feast for a king and cost about 7BP each, crazy. We had tea to settle our stomachs and Truman told us stories about Korea and the symbolism. For example, the sun is the man and the woman is the moon because of the cycles. Also we are made of three parts on our body, also that 12 is a really important number in Korea. It was amazing to learn and we were quizzed on it.
We then retired to our hotel and to our rooms. Helena was flicking the channels and we found an American show called 'the biggest tool'. It was the funniest thing I've seen in my life. Mainly about guys who cheated on their girlfriends and were in therapy. Every week they had to pass a test to gain and infidelity badge, it was hilarious. Mid-way through a girl showed up and announced she was the real girl friend of one of the guys, not the girl who he was there with. We were in stitches and at the end they had to vote off a guy. This week it was Joey who was told he was just a Tool.
We then watched Miss Korea and I told scary stories about fan death before we went to bed.

Even Helena looked like she wanted to kill Caroline for her alarm. We got up and showered and dressed and returned our room to the normal state. We left the items in the room well alone and met Truman outside with Mahinda. We ate on the way to Bulguksa Temple and when we got there mainly just wandered. There they had many national treasures but we were a tad fed up as we've seen many Temples this holiday. It was still great to see and very calming atmosphere, I just love the smell of the chanting rooms. We got quizzed by Truman on things and he prodded us with a foam finger if we got something wrong.
Next we went to the Seokguram Grotto, a UNESCO site where we climbed up a hill and saw this large Buddha that was hidden from the Japs and the Confucianisms for many years in a mountain. You aren't allowed to take photos but it was really large and impressive. Afterwards we wrote on a roof tile, I wrote in Welsh and our tile got placed on the International row, it was lush to see all the different messages from around the world.
Afterwards we went to the folk village to look at some pottery and then onto a restaurant. Like yesterday it was vegetarian but only a main course. Mine was yummy, a salad and grass and rice. Truman gave us his business card, Origami made by his wife and we all had very strong Cinnamon tea. We were then given a lift to the bus station where we were travelling for 4 hours from Gyeongju back to Seoul. It was long but good as we got to look at the photos that we'd taken on the bus, Mahindas taken loads, mainly unflattering ones.
I got to gangnam shopping station and we all went our separate ways, I hung on to look round the shops and bought a new skirt. This lady, the shop owner then started laughing and prodding my boobs while saying HUGE! It was funny and she called everyone over to admire the goods. She then proceeded to laugh as she found out my bra size and gave me a hefty slap on the bum as I left the store, quite funny.
I'm now at home and very tired, alot has gone on in Pusan and Gyeongju.
Logging off for now,

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28. Chaaaa
Written at Sunday 19 July 2009 | back to top

So we got up without a hangover and attacked Caroline as she has the most annoying alarm sound (good morn-ning... la la la laaa la da da da da da morning) and got dressed really quickly. We packed up and had a sad excuse for breakfast (meats and jam) and then went to the Lobby where we were picked up by the Intreptrator and Professor. We drove around for a while before going to a church. It was amazing and lasted an hour and half but we were disappointed as we figured we'd be going to the 20,000 people a day church. I was shocked to see that the service was exactly the same but it was more outward prayer (like think American styles AMEN! Praise Jesus, in Korean) . We got a lot of attention, being foreign church goers has it's advantages. We then got in the car and I was shocked and a little annoyed that we were now going to the big church. However I'm glad we went, it was like the C.I.A (or Carling Academy depending where you're reading this) filled with Christians. The minister was on a podium and the Choir around him, think Star Wars council scenes. It was proper amazing and was being filmed, there were about 5,000 people there in the service and another 1,000 waiting or watching it in the lobbies. It had 5 tiers and international offices and everything. Luckily a nice American man talked to us about the Church and we got amazing footage for the film.
We also had great fun in the car imertating the preist going CHAA, every few seconds he'd say Chaaa. It was later that we found out that it was a filler word like 'well' or 'see'. However, we will continue to use it.
Next we all jumped in the car and went to the biggest department store in the world, fact. We had some nice lunch and everyone had something different. I had chips and a waffle, the way I was eating it, I thought the Professor was going to take me in the rehab centre, it went everywhere. We bought some cakes for our guides as presents and we got some gifts from the pottery in return (the special needs children make pottery). It was lovely and then we got took to the main beach. Me, Caroline and Helena went to the Aquarium which was amazing, I saw sharks and sang my shark song on repeat. I'm pretty sure our video is now 90% me singing about baby sharks. There were also jellyfish and seals and otters and a hedgehog! How weird is that, a hedgehog at a zoo, they seem so weird to Koreans.
Next we lay on the beach and Mahinda paddled in the sea. I joined him at one point when a massive wave came and soaked me. The sea is absolutely freezing, minus temperatures. I thought my little toes where going to drop off so I sat down and we all laughed at how excited Mahinda was by the beach. I'm pretty cure our tour guide was minutes away from buying a bucket and spade.
We then got taken to the Bus station where we boarded to go to a new place, Gyeongju. I was sad to leave the Professor and the tour girl as they were great fun and we sung loads in the car when we travelled.
Anyway, logging off for now,

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27. Penis Fish
Written at Saturday 18 July 2009 | back to top

I got up and we had a bowl of cold water between us to wash. We agreed it was the lushest sleep ever though. We got dressed and met Mahinda outside, we then went to the Kitchen and met the children. They were so cute and it was hard to learn that they were orphans as it's still a very taboo thing in Korea and Japan. It's very nice as the people take out their free time to look after the children and teach them. We found out afterwards that the majority are orphans, given up by parents because of shame. It was quite shocking to hear.
We had breakfast, rice, and then got in this bus with the others and drove to this amazing temple. There we met up with three cute children who'd just come back from America and were the children of the Rehab lady. Their English was perfect and they acted as our tor guides and our translators. We walked around for a bit and done more prayers before getting some lunch, rice.. again, before being taken to this land with millions of Lotus flowers, it was really pretty and we met an awesome monk for tea. He was so cheeky and pretended to scare the children. The monk was the head of the monastery and had such a great vibe about him, he was really interested in us. We had lots of photos with him and he took me to a place to take a nice photograph.
We then drove about and dropped the Japanese to the airport before being taken around Tesco, it was so weird to see Tesco in another country.
We then got dropped at our hotel for tonight, it is SO cool. Me and Caroline are sharing a room and Helena has her own. We have a twin room, HD television (which has BAD videos on it... for free) , computer and air conditioner. It's costing us about $30 which is amazing as it's right on the beach. We went out for western food and shared a big pizza and some chips which was good before looking at this band on the beach. It was cheesy but really good to watch, we're just so chilled out at the moment.
Me and Caroline decided to sneak out for a night out. We went into this building and started walking up the stairs trying to find a place. We heard lots of men cheering and got escorted out in a nice way. It was only afterwards that we realised that we were trying to enter a mens strip club. It was quite hilarious looking back but scary at the time! In giggles we went looking for more places but ended up having very strong drinks and a chat in the hotel bar. Now I'm drinking $1,6%, vodka and lemonade in a can, it's quite funny.
Earlier we were walking across the pier until Caroline pointed out these fish that look abit dodgey. I'll let you work out what they look like.
Logging off for now,

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26. They tried to make me go to Rehab..
Written at Friday 17 July 2009 | back to top

So I got up really late and was in a bad mood as I was late and realised that I'd packed things that couldn't be taken on the plane. Mam rung me then and I got stressed out and couldn't find my stuff to go to Busan. We rushed breakfast and got a bus to the tube when I held us up by topping my card up. We gota taxi from ChungMoro to university then I had to do walk of shame into the class. The lecture was boring but I finished Katie Prices book that I borrowed off Caroline. We then got to eat some food and sort stuff out before meeting with Lucy who is leaving to go home on Monday. We managed to get a tube to the airport and had toast and bought some biscuits. We are staying at a rehab centre for children with learning diffuculties. We got on the plane and was down before we could look around and laughed at the fact the plane was tidy and rocky.
Mahinda, Helena, Caroline and myself got picked up at the airport by Mr Park and Mahinda tried to talk to the poor boy although he did not speak english. We went into Busan town and were surprised to go to a resturant. Unluckily for us it was a seafood resturant and bought out optipus and crazy fish. I got sick and me and Caroline left, it was creepy. We walked along the beach which was really really nice.
We met up with Helena and talked for a while before meeting back and going in the car to the Rehab centre. The owners had got fruit for us and we met our Proofessors mother, father and sister. It was really nice and we met child experts from Japan. The others were really shocked to find that Mahinda can speak Japanese. We had a translator but only for Japanese to Korean and not for English. It was akward as they were talkiong about us but we coludn't respond.
We couldn't believe our luck when we got a big room and bunk bed each, it's really comfy.
Anyway, I must go,
Logging off for now,

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25. I really don't like eggs :X
Written at Thursday 16 July 2009 | back to top

So after I typed to you all online, I had an egg sandwich which has now led me to the conclusion that I really don't like eggs. I ate it all but felt really quite ill afterward.
Onto today, I got up and rushed because i was so tired from the temple and went to uni. I got some nice texts because my phone was being annoying but is all good now. I got in and met the new lecturer ready for Korean Buddhism. He's American and really really funny and comes out with these little stories ever so often. I read some of Katie Price followed by some of Midnight Sun (the online 5th in the series twilight book). We got some crisps in the lunch and the lecture was followed by Orientation and a special lecture. Both of these were highly boring so I carried on drawing doodles over and over before reading again.
Afterward we had a meeting with Mahinda as Lucy is going home to family reasons. We're going to Pusan tomorrow and although I was excited, I'm not so much anymore. Our meeting was quick and I managed to sneak in a few shopping moments before I got on the metro. However my mood was dampened by sop owners shouting 'big size big size'. Way to help the self esteem.
I got home and checked my university results before taken to a western restaurant to eat spaghetti. It was yummy and I tried my best to eat it all despite having bacon and pepperoni in it. We all had a pizza to share as well. We waited for father and in the meantime I got given a earring and necklace set off my host mother as a birthday present, it's a very pretty set!
We then met father and run to the cinema as it was 7pm and the film was starting. I enjoyed Harry Potter very much and on the way home I explained about Cyfarthfa. They were really impressed with how British ever thing seemed to be there.
Currently I'm just chilling out but I'm not feeling so happy.
Logging off for now,

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24. Part 2
Written at Wednesday 15 July 2009 | back to top

That's what woke me up at 2.30Am, a guy going round with a bell, chanting and scraping against a wooden thingy. My three hours sleep was bizarre mainly due to the fact we were in a temple, on the floor. Everyone was getting up when I awoke and I put my stuff away into the locker. I put on my soaking trainers and we went to pee in the hole in the ground, it was an experience. I followed Helena and Lucy and we went to the main temple and started our prayers. My knees got weaker as we done Mantras and full prayer about 20+ times before being ushered out into the courtyard. We were arranged into pairs and one by one went up to slam this huge piece of wood into a massive bell with a Priest. It was really quite loud and meant to call the monks and nuns to prayer. I tried to bang it as loud as I could but the piece of wood took me with it and my attempt was quite feeble. I walked with the others up to main temple and we done mantras and prayers again. I felt really faint as this was about 5am and we hadn't eaten or drunk and had to keep getting up and down. This was for an hour or so, we were lucky as we had a nun in front of us that we just copied the entire time.
After morning prayers we got back to the hall and was greeted by the most awesome monk ever who had this tinkle in his eye. He taught us this really fun meditation and spoke in such a way that we didn't need a translator. We were shown some Buddhist self defence using the international guy as 'a bad man'. We also done some crazy exercises that made everyone laugh, like swinging our arms, doing some sort of JudoBallet combination, it was just too funny. I wish we'd filmed it. Afterwards he let us 'meditate' by lying on the floor and closing our eyes. We done this for an hour and had free time afterwards.
The big dong rung for Breakfast and we all hurried to find.. Babimbap. I had some rice and was told it was bad to waste any which was really annoying as it had these horrible beans in it. I also had some water and tea. Caroline has the same and afterwards we washed our plates out the back and said thank you for the meals.
As the night had been rainy, we couldn't do mountain walking as it was slippery so we got to make our own prayer beads. We had to count 108 out and a big bead. We threaded everything on and then laughed as everyone struggled doing the knots. I'm just Glad scoobies were in fashion when I went to school otherwise I would've never understand the ending pattern and how to finish off the excess wire and thread. I laughed at took pictures of the International guy as revenge and we talked about anime and manga, it was nice and relaxing.
After beads we had more free time before having traditional temple tea and an 'about me' section. The tea was lovely and I tried to drink the 20 cups but only managed about 10 altogether. They brought round the sticky gooey pasta and I warned everyone about it. People tried it only for them to tell me I was right in my description.
A short monk then came over about 10Am ish and we went on a tour of the temple grounds and the museum. Somethings were really interesting but I think generally everyone was really tired and didn't pay much attention. I was shocked to learn that the temple is open to the public to prayer, just like a church. It was weird because I just assumed that only Monks and Nuns could go there. Many Koreans stopped to talk to us and ask us questions. I told a story about the Chinese zodiac to the International guys and they told me one about a turtle in return. They also helped me in the gift shop as I wanted something for year of the Horse, having a friend being able to read Korean comes in handy when you need to buy things.
Next I toured the museum in the temples and was amazed at how old everything was, all made in roughly 1760 or something, crazy. We got to do screen printing of Buddhist texts and pictures too which is a lovely memento to have. The lady doing mine was evil though and made sure it came our perfect. I'm glad in a way by my hands are still covered in ink!
We then heard the dong for lunch which was the same thing as breakfast but with added noodles. I tried a rice thing wrapped in tofu, it was quite yummy but strange along with pineapple which made my mouth sore due to a reaction to the fruit.
Luckily after dinner we had more free time and were able to change into our wet, but normal clothes which was a relief! I was dead happy to be our of our prison ware. Helena told me that her roommate in Sweden was sent to a temple as punishment for bad grades once, I think I can see why it's a fitting punishment!
We gave our gifts and collected our things before saying goodbye. The others visited the tombs but I wasn't interested and just slept on the bus until we got to Dongguk. I'm at the flat now, and am very tired typing this. It's nice to be home and I had such a great experience at the temple, we have so many things for the DVD, mainly bloopers though!
I've been thinking alot about my course in life and I'm debating restarting the year but am still unsure. It feels like I should be doing something more creative at University.
I'd like to say thank you for my birthday messages, it was very nice of everyone!
Anyway, Logging off for now,

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23. Part 1
Written at Tuesday 14 July 2009 | back to top

Goodness me!

Well after I left you, sleep deprived from the night before we wandered around in the tipping rain and had many coffees. We bought some snacks from the shop because we didn't know what the food would be like in the temple. We walked down to the university temple and borded a bus, heading straight to the back. I got out my hat and my video camera and Caroline sung happy birthday to me, it was amazing. We waited for the Keele students to finish their lectures and come on the bus along with the 2 international guys and Mahinda. We were soon on our way but had to stop numberous times due to the fact that the windscreen wipers were broken and the rain was making it impossible to drive.
So we arrived and got out stuff out the bus and trekked up these stairs. We passed these big scary gaurdians on the way in, they were huge and watch over the temple. We then went over to the main hall and took off our shoes, which were sopping anyway. Next we went inside and got our name badges for the visit. All the girls were ushered into a cuboard type thing and we were given the most baggiest, unflattering temple uniform ever. It was orange and about a size 18 which flogged us all. We came out, embrassed at our new uniforms and sat on the mats in front of the alter. Next the men went in and got green temple clothes and sat besides us. The next hour was us being shown how to prayer. You stand, hands together, bow, on your knees, head to the floor, hands up, then down, bring into yourself before standing up again. It was tiring and we were told we had to do it 108 times, it was crazy! We got some information about the temple but were unable to look around due to the weather. Instead our mats were placed in a square and mini tables brought out and cups where we had to make lotus flowers with a wish inside. It was really flidderly and Caroline made fun of mine until karma attacked her and it went wrong. A temple lady helped me with mine and then gave me hers as well, a birthday present she said. We then got to place our lotus flowers to the buddha who would rid the world of destress for us and grant our wishes. I think he was having a day off though because neither of mine came true.
However, all of a sudden the room went quiet and everyone started to sing happy birthday and Lucy brought out a chocolate cake. I was really really excited and blew out my candles. I made the first cut but made my international guy do the rest of the cutting. Caroline reckons he fancies me as he lingers round me and asks millions of questions, along with photos to match.
This was at 10pm and we ate cake, coke and watermelon before packing away and getting out our mates for the floor. We made a bed type thing with prayer mats, sleeping bag and blanket nicked from home, it was really comfy. Girls were on the left and guys on the right with a very naff curtain seperating us both. We slept in our uniforms which was annoying as we brought nighties to stay in, thinking we'd need them. I got out my camera and turned on the Night vision, it was realy funny as Lucy grabbed Carolines foot making her jump. We slept by the buddha, figuring that it was the safetst place to be.

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22. Raindrops keep falling on my head
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So I'm already 19 in Korean and still 18 in Britian. It's crazy, I'm so old. I got up and packed for the temple an had the quicket breakfast known to man before grabbing my cards and present and going. The tube annoyed me because I couldn't get a seat althought I had about 5 bags with me, so annoying. I got into a small arguement with a Korean girl too cause she nicked the seat I wanted, it sucked. However my mood was lifted when I got into uni and had cards and presents to open. I got some stickeres, face mask, nail varnish and the cutest earrings off the girls and new charms for my braclet off my parents along with some spending money! I'm really happy about it. We had our last ever lecture and graduation of Indian Buddhism so I have a nice folder with a diploma certificate, it's all good.
We said our thanks to Professor Bronkhurst and gave him a card, he signed our fans for us as a momento and hopefully we'll be seeing hin in Bath for a special lecture. We all popped over to the international office and dropped off our stuff before going to food. I just had soup as I'm not up to eating much at the moment. We had a chat with Mahinda and currently we're in the computer rooms waiting to leave.
My birthday is quite uneventful, I can't say what it's like because I'm bored and we celebrated yesterday. Overall I'm just waiting to go home now.
Logging off for now,

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21. Killer Chair, Nakedness and a Fake Birthday
Written at Monday 13 July 2009 | back to top

Because I'm already 19 in Korea and I'm in the temple tomorrow we figured that we'd go and celebrate my coming into the world today. We had a lecture first off and played around online checking emails and such and then exchanged some money. I'd looked up spas last night and knew the one I wanted to go to, so we popped on the metro to Seoul Station, got lost, asked a police man and was shown by an English speaking Korean where it was.
We got to the spa and paid about 4GBP which gave us access to everything! It was amazing, we got given two towels and went through to the changing area. We then took off our shoes and went to another desk where we were given a t-shirt and shorts, it was at that point we realised that everyone around us was naked. We got lockers and stripped off (EVERYTHING) and got into our new spa uniforms. We then went upstairs and got bagels which were really yummy. First we went into this sauna room which gave a whole new meaning to the word hot! It was boiling, much hotter than an English Sauna, it didn't even compare. Naturally we didn't spend long in there. Next we went to the ice room, a room full of ice where we were heckled by old men thinking we looked Russian. It was highly amusing! Onto the Dug out rooms which didn't really do much, that or we missed the point of it. After that we went to the Oxygen room. It had a big air thingy and my lungs felt really nice afterwards although we all agreed to feeling a tad giddy after too long. We moved to the Charcoal room where we stayed for a while, it was meant to speed up your metabolism so we wanted to stay there the longest and had a short nap. A man kept snoring which sent me and Caroline into fits of giggles. We relaxed and moved to the salt room, it was lovely, being surrounded by millions of rock salts which were warmed and you could just lie in and absorb, it felt so nice and you could talk whilst just chilling.
We checked out some other rooms but weren't bothered so we decided to see what the bath rooms were like... big mistake, there were many naked ladies. We stood about for about 30 minutes debating the pros and cons of getting naked and joining in. Caroline was the first to say no, then Helena said no so I took it upon myself to take one for the team and I'm glad I did. I got changed in the toilets (no way was I trouping around the spa with my goods on display) and went to the showers. The first bath I took was at 42oC and had Jade in it, it was okay little hot for me though. Next one was at 45oC and looked like gravy, it had some mineral dirt in it but it freaked me out a little so I didn't stay in there long. It was a bit creepy as the women looked at me, I guess seeing a western girl naked probably makes them feel so skinny. The next pool I went too was full of charcoal and I stayed in there for a while despite the scalding temperature of 48oC, it was bloody hot in there. I gave in after that and went in a salt pool at a mere 30oC and found a nice swimming pool. Little did I know (i found it out afterwards) that the pool was an Ice pool. I immersed myself only to regret it big time. I felt really dizzy at the shock in temperature and only realised what had happened when I saw ice cubes float past me. I however stayed in and reasoned that it was probably being amazing for my skin, it was only until I realised I was growing a layer of frost that I got out and eased my frozen body into a massage bath which soon warmed me up. It was amazing, then sauna at the end really helped and when I had a shower I was given free shampoo and conditioner to help with my skin, to close the pores up.
I got changed out in the open (everyone had seen everything at this point) and went back upstairs where I found Helena and Caroline and we went off with our cameras to capture moments in the rooms. We however got distracted and found a Karaoke machine and sung Flying without wings and Bohemian Rhapsody, it was so funny, especially when we realised the rooms weren't 100% sound proof. We then went on these massage chairs which I thought would be a really fun idea. How wrong I was. It was like the chair wanted revenge for everything in the world. It strapped us in and held my hands and ankles in place and proceeded to kneed at my back and bum. It was like being stabbed over and over and it kept pinching my bum. It then vibrated us and tried to snap our necks. This lasted 10 minutes before releasing us where we decided never to trust my judgement about chairs again.
We finally got dressed and left the spa and walked over to pizza hut for my Birthday meal. Me and Caroline shared a medium cheesy bite pizza which we couldn't finish and Helena had a salad. Now I'm at home waiting for my family to get home, it's so quiet without them all! The spa website is Here: Siloam Sauna if you want to check it out.
Logging off for now,

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20. Bucket of Caramel Popcorn = $1.50
Written at Sunday 12 July 2009 | back to top

Got up and got organised before I looked out the window, it was absolutely tipping it out. Mahinda cancelled because he melts in the rain and Lucy isn't feeling up to much so our plans were reorganised. Mother came and my breakfast, she cut the crusts off my bread today, it was amazing, I almost hugged her. She then drove me to the tube, I think she spent so long drying my converse that she didn't want them to get wet again. I got on the tube and met Lucy and Caroline at Chungmoro and we went to Dunkin Donuts (see a theme here?) for some coffee. We decieded the cinema was a good idea and got tickets to see Transformers 2. We wanted refreshments and managed to get the biggest tub of popcorn and a drink for only 600won, It was amazing, I didn't even dent it. The film was funny mainly due to Helenas comments and Caroline getting upset. We were just amused at the cheesy lines Optimus Prime banged out.
After the film we went to Myeong Dong just because it was still raining, we found this big market thing with loads of frilly tops, I am definately coming back at the end when I have some money left over. I can't wait!
I'm home now and found out that Brother has he pokemon game, I guess I should say bye to him now as he's become a pokemon master, only emerging from the game when needing to eat, I'm pretty sure he took it in the bath with him earlier. I'm not sure whether he got into school but I have a feeling he's done well.
Tomorrow we're going to a spa and I just can't wait!
Logging off for now,

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19. Christmas in a teacup
Written at Saturday 11 July 2009 | back to top

Today I got up really early and had a shower and such before heading over to Hongik university where we all met up at Dunkin Donuts and had some coffee. We then realised that the Free market wasn't open for another 4 hours. We wandered round the shops and laughed at the names of the stores (such as Boobi Boobi and Condomania) before having more coffee and wandering in and out. Helena saw an amazing t-shirt that said 'Don't kill yourself, I will pray for you' with a cross through suicide. Made us laugh anyway.
We then went over to the free market. It's basically a market for the students who can't afford to own shops so have stalls to sell their artwork and fashion. It's really pretty and one girl wrote my name in korean for me. We then looked at some earrings and I managed to get some lovely presents for people although I paid full price for everything (there's something morally wrong with bartering with a student). There were bands there and one group that amused us for looking quite indie only to not really be. Helena iffed and awwed about a painting for a while but gave up eventually and didn't get it. We went to go get some rice but I was just so hungry and ended up going to a really nice Indian resturant. There was a bollywood film on and I think we all were amused by it, watching it over and over. I ordered rice to the guys amusement and a Naan as I still feel abit dodgey with my stomach. Lucy and Helena had a curry and Caroline had some noodles, however it was full of peppers and chili so it was so funny to hear her complain about how hot it was.
Lucy then left us as we went to Isadong for the rest of the day. We found a big protest about the treatment of people in North Korea and talked to an Amercian protester about it while filimg, then we pasted an animal protest about dogs being in the cages in pet shops (don't worry dad, I didn't touch any dogs). We wandered around the art shops and got cornered by a boy who had the biggest book ever on Britian and started quoting facts about what everyone in the UK likes, sterotypically. It was quite funny actually and he mentioned Wales which was damn awesome. We were getting quite tired and decieded to have some tea at a traditional tea house. It was really funky and although it cost about 6000won we got to try new things. I had citron tea which was lemon pulp and hot water. It felt so nice to have a sit down and a break. Caroline had some crazy watermelon punch and Helena had some tea that tasted like Christmas.
We wandered some more before going home. I managed to not get crazy people and when I got home was greeted by a large amount of watermelon. I ofund out that brother has to be up at 6 tomorrow to go to the enterance exam for a posh highschool, he's been studying all night now.
Logging off for now,

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18. Once you go Asian, you don't go Caucasian
Written at Friday 10 July 2009 | back to top

I'm not quite sure what a green tea latte is but I didn't like it when I came and now I do. That and the fact I can't remember what a white person looks like is proof that I'm now a honorary Korean. I was still feeling rough today but the lecture was alright and in the break I joked with professor saying that I really wanna hang out with the Jain's and poke them in the eye, then it mentioned 'hanging out' in the lecture. I was dead impressed. We then had a break and had our special lecture, toady's was on Business and Korean investment opportunities; it sounds boring but was interesting and the guy was really amusing. We then hung around and got a burger king (well fries and onion rings, no wonder I'm getting fatter) before seeing the big boss guy. He was really nice and offered tea and coffee. We also saw his little girl on video call who was sooo cute, I want to steal her. The little Korean kids are adorable, I think I'll adopt one. We're lucky because we don't have to do an essay for class now as our assessment is the DVD not the course so we just get to get a certificate for showing up. We then went to the tube to go to Insadong where Caroline was chatted up by a fittie old man ;) and then started being flirted with by a student. Because of a loss of translation we got off too early and had to re catch the metro. We then got off and realized we were lost so Lucy tried to look on the big map when this crazy witch type lady came over and started shouting directions. We said thanks and hid until she was gone to bring out the map. However when we got the map out she reappeared and started shouting again, it was crazy! We proper run away from her and found our way by asking people. It was a nice after to just stroll and look at shops and buy some presents. Helena and Caroline figured out how to use their cards out here which is really good. We got shakes in between shopping and these students appeared downstairs with Free Hugs sign. As a laugh I decided to go down whilst Caroline and Helena filmed me. So I waited ages for this arrogant American to shift and then the Koreans were really excited and gave me hugs and waved to the camera. It looks so funny on film! We all had a laughing fit and was a bit sugar high before going back to shopping where we scared small children by trying to give them a Balloon. Before going home we got these weird fried potatoes on a stick, they were well nice. Caroline saw a shoe stall and was iffing and arring about thee shoes until we pointed out that their actually costing 1.50GBS. It was really funny and we definitely will be making fun of her for a while to come.
We all then went to the tube station and saw a sign for BIG CLOTHES, that meant us as it's hard to find Korean clothes for a British frame. After going our separate ways I was on the tube and the metro line stopped. A nice Korean man helped me by telling me I had to get off for the cleaners. I said thanks and stepped away, learning my lessons after other Korean people. However he kept talking and I just answered minimalistic answers hoping he'd go away but he'd keep talking and tried to let him walk me home. I declined and made out I was going a different way home but he didn't leave without a fight and I have his name, number and email address scrawled on my hand and I have his card. It turns out he's a director for an electricity company and would very much like to meet me for coffee and lunch. He's quite harmless but it's still crazy how the boys just home in on me. Caroline reckons it's because I'm quite cute looking in a Korean way, wearing the same dresses and speaking the same. If only though, I don't see the attraction, Korean girls are just so pretty, no, beautiful here, I can't see why a guy would look at a Caucasian girl ever again.
Logging off for now,

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17. Chips
Written at Thursday 9 July 2009 | back to top

I'm still not feeling so well and nothing much happened as there were huge storms in Korean, meaning we were stuck indoors all day. I missed the lecture because I was still ill but made it in for lunch and the meetings. We had western food but I couldn't handle loads as I'm still feeling icky. Afterwards I went to the book shop alone in Anguk and looked around. I bought the Lolita bible (please someone buy me a lolita dress?) which is really cool but then this guy satrted chatting and asked me millions of questions about books and why I'm in Korea. Afterwards he took my picture and then his friend had a picture with me and before I knew it I was being photographed by and with a bunch of Korean students apparently doing research on foreigners and what books they like to read. I'm getting used to this Korean type celebrity lifestyle now.
Logging off for now,

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16. Knockout Water
Written at Wednesday 8 July 2009 | back to top

So today I'm not very well. I went to the lecture but went home early for fainting and managed to get home okay. When I got there, I got given 'special water' which basically knocked me out for about 6 hours. Lots of people rung me too, it was really annoying. The bank rung saying Caroline and I owe them money because they did not take off a charge. Then Mahinda rung saying that they is problems with the DMZ thing so we're no longer going, then a Korean man rung saying 'sri lanka, sri lanka' until I hung up and turned my phone off. I then got a note under my door asking what was wrong, to which I replied that I was feeling faint. I had more knockout water and some melon.
I am now feeling abit better but am still ill.
Logging off for now,

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15. Pot ramyun
Written at Tuesday 7 July 2009 | back to top

Hello all,
Today we're been doing not much as it's host family day. The lecture wasn't very interesting and Lucy was back in from being ill. We all decided to go 'for a western' which consisted of chips an a panini. It was lovely and we talked about what's happening in the next few days. Only 2 people are allowed to go to the Demilitarized Zone. Helena was very nice and gave up her place for me, I'm really lucky so me and Caroline are going on the weekend. Lucy and Helena went home and me and Caroline stayed for a few moments to go on the computers and reply to emails etc. I then left and walked to the tube station to go home. I could hear the noise as I ascended to my flat. As I entered I was greeted by 12 adolescent boys and poor mother. There were laptops thrown around on the floor, each child hooked up to a headset and shouting angrily. It looked like I'd stepped into a MI5 headquarters. After many questions 'who are you?', 'where are you from?', 'how old are you?", I was beckoned forth to come play Starcraft, the Korean Addiction game (think world of warcraft, same company, same addictive powers over boys). I assume I done well as one child was taunted with chants as I destroyed his player. After much chocolate and more questions the children grabbed shoes and run home (or to game bang, a gaming cafe) I was later informed. I helped mother clean up and used the computer before we got ready and went to the Lotte Department store. Lotte Department is like, perhaps House of Frasier with a cinema and Resturant. Mother bought the tickets for (wait for it... *gulp) Terminator. I faked enthusiasm in the upcoming film and done a very bad Arnie impression. We went downstairs for some babimbap which tasted horrible but I managed to somehow eat up. We then waited for the film to start and was bought some honey popcorn and a drink. I closed my eyes for the evil that began on the huge screen. It's not that I don't like the film but more that I'm terrified of the terminators. I wish we'd stuck to the original plan, a j-horror or night at the museum 2. The film was overall not bad but I must admit I was shaking leaving the cinema.
Brother complained he wanted a snack so we went to the nearest 7/11 and got some Ramyun and some pocky and melon. We got home and mother tried to explain it was was an instant meal. I didn't want to point out that we had these in the UK but I made a big show and clapped at the 'magic' of Korea. She then brought out these cakey snack things. They were sticky and tasted like pasta when you put them in your mouth. However, as soon as you bit in a sticky sweet liquid came out. It was the weirdest sensation ever and I did not eat another.
Anyway, tomorrow should be interesting,
Logging off for now,

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14. Korean Dinner...An Indian
Written at Monday 6 July 2009 | back to top

So today I got dressed and fixed myself up before going to university. Father and I got a lift off mother but only to the Tube station. I got a seat early and was able to play animal crossing on my Nintendo. We got off and father saw a colleague who bought us a taxi, it was very kind of him. We got to university early and I was able to buy some biscuits and a Mountain dew. The others came in except for Lucy who is ill today, I feel bad for her as Migraines are horrible. I listened but I'd already studied the subject so it was a little boring to me. We where then allowed to go early so I went and changed some travellers cheques with Caroline. It took so long, about 30 minutes in all. I now appear rich in Korean Won when in sterling it is very little (5GBP=10,000 Won). We got our money and had Babimba in the canteen with Mahinda. I think he was Little upset as the nun did not have time to come and eat with us today. We discussed many things about filming and home. It made me a little home sick which was annoying as I'm getting used to Korea now.
We left Mahinda and went to the library to research and study although not much got done as we were mainly looking at photos and looking up touristy things to do as we are no longer going to JeJudo Island.
We decided to leave the computers and visit father. I told him we were going shopping and he gave us an orange juice to take with us. I think we really brighten up the office when we come over and say hi to everyone in the international place.
I decided that we should go to Myeong Dong so together we took the tube down. When we got there, we were so amazed we didn't know what to look at first. It was amazing, so many shops and clothes and shoes. I loved every second. We wandered for ages and picked up various things. Lotte department was very disappointing as it was very expensive and not very fun. Helena got hungry so we all went in search of food. On the way up we passed a noodle bar and there where white gentlemen sitting in the window, excited to see them I waved. They looked very awkward and apparently it meant we couldn't eat there. However, the girls hid me and we swallowed the embarrassment and went and sat down. We called over a few waiters and tried to explain that we didn't eat fish or meat. They tried to tell us that the only vegetarian meal was for two and because we are a three it wouldn't work. Helena tried auguring but eventually we got up and left. We wandered around for ages until they stopped for a cigarette and then I noticed an Indian place. It was a sauce, drink and nann for only 11,000 so we went up and tried to explain we were veggies. The guy was little confused at first but then when I showed him my Korean translation book he sat us and got a menu, there were loads of veggie curries so we ordered away. I also had a Lassi, a yogourt drink for the first time, it was really nice and cool. My mild curry was very hot but otherwise yummy. We talked over food and then went back to the shops where we got some clothes. I got the lushest dress, it's a kind of Lolita one and I got it for 5GBP, very happy.
Lucy said she was going home so we thought it'd be a good time to depart. I got on the train asap and got a seat so I played Nintendo on my way home. I called Gav and it was nice to talk to him, he thought I was saying something weird when I was saying hello in Korean to my doorman.
When I got in I had a lovely plate of watermelon sitting for me, I am very lucky. We talked about what to do tomorrow (it's host family day after university) and we are going to the cinema with brother and his friends to watch terminator. The films are in English with Korean subtitles so I should be okay. Brother got 0 wrong on maths, P.E and ethics, I'm very proud of him. Tomorrow is Geography and English, I said he must do well for me and I am currently giving him lots of tips.
I am hoping to join Erasmus when I get back to university in England because it's possible to study someplace. I am thinking of studying in Florence, Italy for my third year. However, I am yet undecided. I would really like to travel more and Italy seems ideal. I do enjoy Korea and maybe I will come back to the International school one day to teach English.
Logging off for now,

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13. 5 pound rice
Written at Sunday 5 July 2009 | back to top

Hello again,
So I got up mega early, got ready and put on my super cute dress. I had my breacfast that was left for me, had a wash and brushed my teeth. I got my bag and off I was, ready to go. Except as soon as I opened the door, I set off all the alarms in the apartment making my host mother get up and spoiling her lie in. I was soo embrassed like you would not believe! I kind of left in a hurry after that and got on the metro. I brought my DS to play and it made the time fly way better than normal. I managed to go and get to Donguk University and get lost as we were all meeting at a certain Cafe. I rung Helena and I managed to find it but when I got there it was shut. I was starving so I didn't to walk until I found a nice open cafe. I managed to walk 3 tube lines before getting to one! Because I walked so far I managed to make myself late as I had to get another tube back, it was crazy!
We walked to the ambassitor hotel and met a nun, Mr Kim and Professor along with Mahinda. We got into two taxis and was off toKyeomg Bk Palace. It was really huge and much grander than the one yesterday as it had been rebuilt for historical purposes.
We had some more photo opputunities and I got to talk with the nun who was really nice and very pretty. Our tickets in were paid for and we had a tour guide. I did some filming but got bored very easily so did not get much done. Our tour guide was very nice and her english was amazing. I learnt that the king and queen had seperate houses and that the mother of the king was in some ways more important than the king himself. Also about the zodiac animals protecting the Palace from evil. We then got to stroll around the houses and the gardens, it was boiling though and everyone had really horrible headaches. Some schoolchildren got their photos with us, it was really funny.
Afterwards we passed this hut where you could try on the gaurds uniform. We managed to blackmail the professor into dressing up (we said he'd either dress up or go to the temple :P) which he done and looked very well suited. He even walked like the gaurds did. Lucy and Helena dressed up with him as you could only do a few at a time. Afterwards me and Caroline dressed up. We managed to get different colours and make angry poses for the camera.
Later we got in the Taxi to Insydone and had some food. The nun and Mr Kim ordered lots of side orders and we each got tiny amount of rice. Me and the professor talked about Switzerland and Ammsterdam (he's dutch and teaches in Switzerland currently) and then about religion as a whole when the bill came and we had to pay 10,000 won each. Now 5 pound is resonable for a meal but for me, it was not as I only had a spoonful and politely declineded the offer of more. I now have learnt my lesson.
After the shock of lunch we again got in a taxi and we went to the Korean Museum . It would've been interesting at a different time but because we'd be walking around all day no one was really fussed. We looked at the paintings and fine art but then went to the gift shop and to get some ice cream.
Finally our day events were over and we all made our ways home. Lucy had to go to the Karoke with her host family so Helena, Caroline and myself went to Myeong Dong which is amazing. We didn't get to look around for long but they are so many things I want to buy. I am thinking of leaving some of my ugly british ones behind as Korean clothes are cheap and delicate. I am definiately going back soon.
I got home about 8.30ish and had some fruit. We started singing Hey Jude and they loved my t-shirt when I explained that it was the Beatles. Me and the host mother reinated this morning for everyone to laugh at and we made fruit tea which was... strange. I told them about my day and host father went out and bought a book for me on Buddhism. It's very nice of him. Brother is running around like a nutter because he has a P.E exam tomorrow. I was talking about Korean fashion (the girls here wear short skirts, long tops and little heels and clipclap everywhere) and I started teasing him about making liking a girl in school. His mother joined in and he went bright red, it's really funny to watch. We then had some crisps and helped brother revise for his exams and I acted out various scenes from today. Host mother commented that I'm looking Korean today, I think it's because of my makeup, short hair and asian dress sense. I'm definately dying my hair black when I get home though.
I've uploaded photos for you all to look at now so plese check them out!
Logging off for now,

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12. GM Food?
Written at Saturday 4 July 2009 | back to top

So I left you earlier after going to the computer room and blogging and facebooking and such. We decided that because we had a free period that we'd go to Deoksugang Palace today instead to go and see the changing of the guard. It was very interesting so watch and the guys let us have pictures with them. We would wave at them and they'd smile, we're lucky because we beat the crowds. There were about a hundred police around, some in riot gear and some in plain clothes because there have been many protests and riots lately. Someone threw a glass bottle at the guards that was dead scary.The guards put on a dead good show; there were bands and traditional music and marching. This guy banged this massive drum, it was dead scary because was like a cannon going off. It took ages for the ceremony but was just so interesting to see so I'm glad we went. We got to have photos with the new guards but they were much scarier.We then got to wander round the palace that was really cool but weird because loads of people want to take your picture and to pose in their photos. It's really weird how much the Koreans love western people, they just always want to talk and shake your hand.We wandered around the palace grounds and done a bunch of filming and just generally chilling out. I think everyone was happy because it's the first day that we've done something touristy. The grounds were lovely and so busy, it cost us about 50p to enter which was really worth it, we had so much fun just making jokes and doing silly poses.
After the Palace we went to Dunking Doughnuts which was a first for Mahinda. He seemed to really enjoy it and we've planned out loads of activities ready to go do in the coming weeks. Everyone then went home but I stuck around and went looking at the shops. I found a really nice lace skirt and bought it for only ?, it's really pretty and amazing, very Korean. I then headed home, no weirdos this time! I managed to call mam and dad and tried to ring Gav but because i have uni on a saturday, I got a little confused about the days.When I got home we had the longest talk ever. We had a big chat about the North and the South and I tried to explain why Wales and England had ongoing hostility. Host mother brought this massive watermelon and I explained why I was shocked because their tiny in comparison in the UK. I also got to have some crisps for the first time and I was told that their made out of 'all potato' not 'GM potatoe like in UK'. I didn't think kettle crisps were modified but prehaps my Korean family know something that I do not :P We then had some discussions about Tea and I had a try of some Chinese tea. In my defence, I did not know what I was drinking. It was okay but a little bland for my liking. I made sure to help brother with his 'avenging' of his friend as he really wants to beat him at English. I have faith in him. He's such a lovely boy and wants to be a famous chemistry sciencist. I'm just about struggling in my mission to be a primary school teacher (which apparently I'll be good at, but then I must have the babies > says Korean mother). Finally it was bed time, food has been left on the table for me as hey want a lie in tomorrow and I'm up really early, I can't blame her really, poor woman is up at 6.30 making my food and drinks before I leave.
Logging off for now,

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11. Jam, Banana & Cheese
Written at Friday 3 July 2009 | back to top

So I got upearly today because I did not want to be late. No one was around so I figured I'd just leave. However, as I went to the door and mother came and got me back. She made me breakfast which was a sandwich with banana, jam and cheese, very strange mixture. I then went to leave when I was stopped again. I had to wait for host father, I don't think he even needed to come in today. However, He got ready and we went offf. He then took me to go on the bus which was really strange, it's apparently because we're late. We got off the bus and got on the tube station. After a short journey the host father got us a taxi to the university. I told him Ifelt like a movie star :D The lecture was annoying but Caroline didn't feel well so we left early. I've been looking up a Taekwondo course for a day. I'm really wanting to do it! I think I'll do it, alone or otherwise.
Logging off for now,

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10. 'This..plums....we cut with knife.'
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So today after I was online we decieded that we'd go to the shopping place because I wanted an anime book to read in english. Our sheduale looks crazy busy but I'm sure it shall be fine. We've only got one shopping day penciled in though, this makes me sad. So Lucy went home early to catch some rest. It started to pour down again which was so annoying as we're in linen and such again. We spent about 15 minutes in the metro station trying to work out what tube to catch and what exit to depart from. We got there eventually but came out of the wrong exit and ended up in a bigger store than the last one we went to! It has such cute stationary as well, I was in love. I got a chobits book and we walked around looking at cute items. We got hungry and started to walk around looking for a place. We looked for maybe an hour before finding an italian. We all ordered a pizza and was surpised when they came with no tomato puree. It was really strange but lovely, I found some Dr Pepper, it was like magic! I realised today that I've taken a Korean intonation which means I'm speaking but there's a lot of gaps between my words and I say umm or errr and I've noticed that I've taken a Korean way of answering questions. We then wandered some more before going to the Metro and departing. On the way the tube stopped again to be cleaned by this boy thought I didn't understand. Due to last night I was anxious to talk to anyone and pretended to not understand. However, this boy took me as a Europian (because my eyes and boobs are a big giveaway) and started lecturing me about how great English was and that I was stupid not to learn it. He then tried to find out my mobile number. A nice old Korean man helped me get rid of him by telling him something in Korean to which he went away.
I'm home now and on my way I bougth Pocky for brother. He done very well, he got 3 wrong in music and 2 in Home but 0 in science, he thinks this is okay but not good. However, he seemed happier with being presented with chocolate. I think there is great pressure on him to do well like his father.
I've just shown the family my sheduale and we're going to see Harry Potter on the 7th as a treat because that's the day brother finishes school. I think we're also getting some dinner at a Korean. I'm nervous because I'm not so happy with Korean food. Host mother just came in and gave me a plum. I think I looked confused about what it was so she explained in her broke english that it's a plum and that it's cut with a knife. It really tickled me.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
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