Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

35. The Ice Man
33. Big Icream and the 18 Pixel Simulator
32. Never Make Jewellry
31. Sleep
39. Ready for liftoff!
30. Tofu and Fruit Salad
29. "I'm sorry Joey, you're just a tool"
28. Chaaaa
27. Penis Fish

36. To fight for a country they never knew and a people they never met.
Written at Saturday 25 July 2009 | back to top

Today I had a lie in and a nice shower and we all met up in Samgakji to go to the War Museum. First we looked the war memorial and I was really taken aback. I couldn't believe how many USA/UK soldiers died helping Korea. It was really shocking to see the names up there. Also commonwealth countries and neighbors had helped fight against the North. I also was stunned by the names of Koreans who died, the names just did not end, it was frightening.
We then looked at the fighter planes, tanks, cars, weapons and uniforms used and being used in war, I can't believe how big everything was.
There were huge statues of brothers hugging and apparently one was north and one was south, it was sad to look up at their embrace and imagion how war can tear families against one another. Another monument was a teardrop made of dog tags surrounded by barbed wire. It was interesting but upsetting.
We got entry to the museum and wandered round. I went into a firing range and discovered that I'm a hopeless shot when it comes to lasers. We also went into a submarine and looked and pretended to be Marines. We also went into the refugee camp which was disturbing, such awful conditions and such strength. We went to a reenactment room but it wasn't very good as we were bombarded by school children and the show was in Korean. On the way out Helena was in a daze and walked into the back of a German guy which sent us all into hysterics.
We left and went to Insdong to grab some lunch. I had rice and the others had Babimbap. We then went shopping only to be cornered by a boy doing a school project. As he was interviewing people got curious to see what we were up to and surrounded us. Men started taking our picture. I turned to one of the English speaking Koreans and asked maybe if we were famous in Korea to get so much attention. However, he turned his attention to try and get our mobile numbers.
Apart from this the day was quite ordinary. I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
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