Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

33. Big Icream and the 18 Pixel Simulator
32. Never Make Jewellry
31. Sleep
39. Ready for liftoff!
30. Tofu and Fruit Salad
29. "I'm sorry Joey, you're just a tool"
28. Chaaaa
27. Penis Fish
26. They tried to make me go to Rehab..
25. I really don't like eggs :X

Written at Friday 24 July 2009 | back to top

So last night when I left you I got talkikng with my host family. They asked me about m day so I told them about the folk village. Suddenly everyone disapeared and returned with huge books, photo albums. Apparently mother and fathers first date was at the folk village. They met in 1991 and where married in 1995. He proposed on her birthday and sent 100 red roses, it was really cute. Father takes alot of photos and many where of mother. After this album the wedding photos came out. They had three cermonies, one was more western with a big white dress and a suit. They got married at Lotte World which is like Disneyland, in the castle and the photos are adorable, she looks like a princess. The next was traditional in Korea and was done at the folk village, she was done up in Geisha-est makeup and clothes and hidden for the entire cermony. The last was a resgistars office where a suit and plain white dress were worn. The pictures are amazing and she looks so beautiful, it was breathtaking.
Next we had the honeymoon pictures where I saw a picture of father in a speedo, disturbing isn't even close to the word I have in mind. They went to Jujedo island which is really picture perfect, think Hawii style. Then we just had general photos and towards the end she pointed to her stomach and plainly said , 'baby'. Next we had the birth pictures, it was a little gross, not type the pictures we'd show in the UK if you get me and then really cute baby photos, brother is so adorable, I think I'm going to adopt an Korean child.
A few days after the birth, mother and father went to Japan for a holiday whilst brother was handed over to his aunty. I thought this was really shocking, and she just kinda popped him out an then went on vaccation, crazy.

Anywho, today was Carolines birthday so I got up and showered and stuff before munching my food eally quick and going to uni. On the way up I bought a chocolate cake and gave it to my father to hide in the office. I met Caz in the lecture and she thanked me. In her hands she had a package so I welcomed her and sat down. I asked where Helena was only to find out that she wasn't in. This confused me as Helena had the presents, so how did Caz have presents already? I looked over confused and realised that the presents were different to the ones that we'd bought, now I was trying to text Helena to try and find out what was going on.
Helena came in late and gave Caz her presents which confused Caz as she realised the things in front of her were not from us. She said that Mahinda had given them and we told her that we knew nothing about it. Nonetheless, Caz opened her stuff and was so excited. She read the card first and was questioning our mesages about loosing our souls to one of the presents. She rifled through them trying to see which one was the special one and squealed when she saw her braclet. I was so happy that she liked it, it was so hard to make (see post no. 32). Caz also loved her book which I then teased her about due to the fact she's bee trying to buy it for days only for Helena and myself to distract her.
Break time came and we bunked off to the computer room to update our friends and family on Korean life. Helena pretended to go back to lecture but snuck off to the western bar with the cake. We all met at 12 and got interiewed by the Keele Uni students who are also making a film. We all walked to the western bar and ordered Pizzas, they were lovely and had wedges on top. About halfway through Caz said she was full and Helena and I tried to keep her from eating anymore as we still had the cake. Unfortunately Caz forced it down, I was slightly worried as the cake needed to be eaten ASAP. We grabbed the plates and told Caz to watch out stuff as we sorted the cake out, however being nosy as ever she came to clear stuff away, making me shove her down the ramp. I think it was worth the pushing however and she was excited to see the cake. We all struggled to eat apiece and decieded it would go to a good home in the international office to be munched on.
I'll update later but,
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
materials: Various japanese site
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