Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

28. Chaaaa
27. Penis Fish
26. They tried to make me go to Rehab..
25. I really don't like eggs :X
24. Part 2
23. Part 1
22. Raindrops keep falling on my head
21. Killer Chair, Nakedness and a Fake Birthday
20. Bucket of Caramel Popcorn = $1.50
19. Christmas in a teacup

29. "I'm sorry Joey, you're just a tool"
Written at Monday 20 July 2009 | back to top

So we got off the bus and was picked up straight away by this nice man called Truman, because he is a True Man apparently. We went over to our Hotel and were shocked. Mahinda got his own room with a double bed and we all went upstairs to find mats on the floor. It was disheartening. It was also at that point when we looked around that we realised we were in THAT type of motel, say where married men may come for some alone time or with a female caller. This assumption was due to the videos left for our viewing pleasure and some of the channels on TV...
Moving on, we went out for dinner to a vegetarian place and the guy ordered for us. Loads of food got brought out and we munched away, I tried many things such as pumpkin soup, acorn jelly, tofu and peppers until I was full. Only then did we realise that was only starter and our main arrived with rice and broth and pancakes. It was nice but we were really really full. Then came out a cake dessert and rice cakes, it was a feast for a king and cost about 7BP each, crazy. We had tea to settle our stomachs and Truman told us stories about Korea and the symbolism. For example, the sun is the man and the woman is the moon because of the cycles. Also we are made of three parts on our body, also that 12 is a really important number in Korea. It was amazing to learn and we were quizzed on it.
We then retired to our hotel and to our rooms. Helena was flicking the channels and we found an American show called 'the biggest tool'. It was the funniest thing I've seen in my life. Mainly about guys who cheated on their girlfriends and were in therapy. Every week they had to pass a test to gain and infidelity badge, it was hilarious. Mid-way through a girl showed up and announced she was the real girl friend of one of the guys, not the girl who he was there with. We were in stitches and at the end they had to vote off a guy. This week it was Joey who was told he was just a Tool.
We then watched Miss Korea and I told scary stories about fan death before we went to bed.

Even Helena looked like she wanted to kill Caroline for her alarm. We got up and showered and dressed and returned our room to the normal state. We left the items in the room well alone and met Truman outside with Mahinda. We ate on the way to Bulguksa Temple and when we got there mainly just wandered. There they had many national treasures but we were a tad fed up as we've seen many Temples this holiday. It was still great to see and very calming atmosphere, I just love the smell of the chanting rooms. We got quizzed by Truman on things and he prodded us with a foam finger if we got something wrong.
Next we went to the Seokguram Grotto, a UNESCO site where we climbed up a hill and saw this large Buddha that was hidden from the Japs and the Confucianisms for many years in a mountain. You aren't allowed to take photos but it was really large and impressive. Afterwards we wrote on a roof tile, I wrote in Welsh and our tile got placed on the International row, it was lush to see all the different messages from around the world.
Afterwards we went to the folk village to look at some pottery and then onto a restaurant. Like yesterday it was vegetarian but only a main course. Mine was yummy, a salad and grass and rice. Truman gave us his business card, Origami made by his wife and we all had very strong Cinnamon tea. We were then given a lift to the bus station where we were travelling for 4 hours from Gyeongju back to Seoul. It was long but good as we got to look at the photos that we'd taken on the bus, Mahindas taken loads, mainly unflattering ones.
I got to gangnam shopping station and we all went our separate ways, I hung on to look round the shops and bought a new skirt. This lady, the shop owner then started laughing and prodding my boobs while saying HUGE! It was funny and she called everyone over to admire the goods. She then proceeded to laugh as she found out my bra size and gave me a hefty slap on the bum as I left the store, quite funny.
I'm now at home and very tired, alot has gone on in Pusan and Gyeongju.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
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