Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

32. Never Make Jewellry
31. Sleep
39. Ready for liftoff!
30. Tofu and Fruit Salad
29. "I'm sorry Joey, you're just a tool"
28. Chaaaa
27. Penis Fish
26. They tried to make me go to Rehab..
25. I really don't like eggs :X
24. Part 2

33. Big Icream and the 18 Pixel Simulator
Written at Thursday 23 July 2009 | back to top

Hello all,
Today I got up really early and showered and such before getting on the tube. Father made us late as he slept in a little, revenge I suppose. I met the girls at Gangnam and fate brought us altogether at Starbucks, I suppose the urge for coffee in the morning is too much. We walked to the bus stop and we needed the 5001-1 bus. We got on a 5001 bus thinking it wasn't so important, how wrong we were. We asked around but realised quickly that it wasn't going where we wanted to go so we got off. Apparently that dash 1 is really important in the bus world.
We travelled for about 40 minutes and noticed that the majority of people on the bus were also going to the folk village so we stuck together. We arrived and got some water before going to the gates. A nice lady gave us a voucher which enabled us to use all the park for 16000won which is pretty awesome. I wasn't bothered about the theme park bit but seeing as it was the same price as a not so good ticket we just went for it.
We enetered and I was amazed, think St Faggens on a larger scale. We missioned over to the preforming area and watched a guy on a tightrope do stunts. My favourite quote came from Caroline who said, 'he's got to be wearing protection right?' Next we went and watched a traditional wedding cememony but I was ambushed by highschoolers who were very interested in asking me questions about my favourite animals, colours and Korean things, making me miss some of the cermony. I was shocked to see how disrecptful some people are as there was a woman just going right up and taking pictures in the actors faces blocking other peoples views. Other people were talking loudly on phones or just getting up and walking. It was too flustrating for us and we left the show early. Next Caroline almost cried in excitement as there was a horse show. We went and petted the horses and watched the stunt show, which was really quite amazing. They done backflips and stood up and everything, I filmed some for us to watch later. We were the only adults and were surrounded by tweo reception classes that proceeded to chant FALL OFF in Korean at the preformers. It was at that point a big guy with a whip came and cracked it repetitively on the floor to scare them.
After the horses we got some lunch, I had rice and the other two had omelletes with various fillings. We were laughing at two white boys who were obviously being shown around by a Korean friend and had bought them lunch. Their faces gave the impression of unamusement and dislike but tried to eat it as not to offend. However when the friend went to get water they shared their mutual dislike and where seeking ways to hide the food.
We wandered around after food looking at workshops on pipemaking and taffy rolling. We wandered amounst the old buildings and people and explored the museums. One of the displays was funny as it is customary to peep in the honeymoon suite of a newly wed couple. We peeped and there was a film on loop, just as it was getting randy then groom smiled at the camera and switched off the lights. It was quite amusing.
We wandered back over the bridge to the performances and there was a farmers band. They had really amazing hats will ribbons attached that made amazing patterns by moving their heads in certain ways. They done flips and songs and the main guy shook my hand which was strange and we thought that I'd have to go and preform with them but he did not pull me up so it was good. The band played really traditional but funky tunes and we danced a little and clapped. It was a great show.
So we were walking through the town and it suddenly got very quiet, Helena was on her phone and got some really dirty looks. It's only that I backtraced my steps and realised that we were on the set of a Korean TV drama. It was quite funny and everyone was looking at us, the actors had stopped rehersing to throw a glance at our prescene. We quickly exited and went to watch a lady make silk from the worms. I was shocked because I thought maybe they'd be moving by she quickly popped one out of it's sack and munched it up for us to film. Worrying what people eat out here.
We then went to go home only for Caroline to ask why we weren't going to the theme park. We wandered over to the area and it was like aghost town. Nothing was on or working so we wandered futher in. I bought an ice cream which was like the size of me, it was lovely and so refreshing. Caroline spotted a simulator and I went on it with her. It was the naffest thing ever and I just laughed the entire time. The story was about the primaids and you had to read something in a certin amount of time. Getting in a Koreans car was much scarier than it. Also it was an old one and the graphics were stuck back in the 90s.
Next we went on a rollacoster which was scary, only for the number of trees and bushes hitting us on our way round. Then we went on some twirly round thing which went a little too fast and I crushed poor Caroline. She felt really sick and the ride went on forever, I wasn't too keen about being thrown up on. Helena suggested we go on the carosel which went about 0.1mph, toddlers were walking around it faster than the horses going. Did I mention we were the only adults in this park, it must've been quite a sight. Lastly we went on a train that went around the park. The guy looked at us stupid as we made childish noises and screamed when the thing almost broke.
We left the park thinking there was nothing else for us, how wrong we were. There were these animals with wheels on. Caroline entered 1000w to have a go and a guy started up a machine. She sat on the giraffe (she's always going, 'you're having a graffe!') and it started playing music and going round really slowly. It was the funniest things we've seen in our lives and was filmed. It was so good that we went on again and I joined in, favouring a Zebra. The animals moved round at a deathly pace and the music was something you'd hear on CBBC channel.
So overall today was really amazing and probably the best day I've had out.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
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