Hello!! Shwmae! 안녕하세요! In Korea with my host family
Welcome to my blog. This is my blog to keep you all updated on what I'm doing in Korea. Hopefully you can follow me on my adventure, I'll be sure to upload lots of pictures and to tell you what I'm doing each day!!
enjoy xx

Profile Blog Photos Credits
Angharad John
Small, Welsh, 18 years young. Mrs Edwards to be! Studying in Bath Spa. Living in Merthyr Tydfil. <3

Feeling : Happy
Eating : Crisps
Doing : This Blog
Watching : TV
Listening to : Pokerface

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Rotten Things
June 2009 | July 2009 |

40. Home is where the Heart is, but Seoul is where...
39. Goodbye!!
38. Last day in Korea
37. PIzza and Coke
36. To fight for a country they never knew and a p...
35. The Ice Man
33. Big Icream and the 18 Pixel Simulator
32. Never Make Jewellry
31. Sleep

5. Pocky and Mt Dew
Written at Tuesday 30 June 2009 | back to top

I'm up at the uni really early again today, I guess it's just easier for me to go on the computers and it's takes me a long journey to get here anyway. On the way to uni I saw a poster for a vet and on it is a fox terrier! I took a photo straight away. I'm quite impressed that I got here on my own, vise versa with getting home last night.
I think today that we are meeting the man who made the trip possible, I have a welsh squashy rugby ball for him as a present. After that we are getting... PIZZA! I can't wait! Although me and Caroline have to find the place, that hsould be quite hard, the campus is so large. We're then going around the town and going to tourist information to get leaflets and broushures. Hopefully we'll have loads of time to go shopping. I'm not sure if I'll buy anything today but I definiatly want to find a Lolita shop.
This morning for brecfast I had facepack salad again along with Korean Melon. It was lovely but a little too sweet. Host mother stopped me beofre I went out the door today, I managed to get a treat for uni. Pocky (long biscuit sticks with chocolate on) and mountain dew. It made me laugh and she seemed very happy. I managed to walk with Brother today too. He was tired as he was up late studying hard. He really wants his computer game. I explained that my boyfriend also likes computer games.
I now have to go to international affairs to meet the others.
Logging off for now,

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4. Sugar Glaric Bread?!
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So I'm feeling better since the last post, I guess it's because I came to the uni with host father and I had to wait 2 hours alone, making me mope over everything. The tube takes an hour and I have to walk through a big park to get to the metro. I then have to go up the steepest hill (I swear it's like pen-y-fan) before getting to uni. This nice young boy helped me in the uni today as he could see that I was quite upset. When it was lesson time, he got me to my class and explained I was late because I was very homesick. We had an orientation today and met our buddy. Ours is called Nancy and she likes to make jokes about our english. She taught me some words which I later found out mean 'stop staring at me' and 'please go away now'. We got our library cards and explored the campus abit. We then met up with Lucy and decieded it was ready for lunch. Seeing as me and Caroline didn't want Korean food we went to a baggette shop and bought 2 bagettes and a glaric bread. We sat down and ate before realising that the glaric bread actually had sugar on!! How weird is that? I just hear Peter Kay in my head going 'Garlic bread? glaric bread with sugar on? That's the future that is'. Apparently most savioury things are sweet and vise versa. They also don't really have sugar here by a syrup that you pour into the drink.
We then all sat down and had a very long meeting. We decieded to go to a spa on my birthday and a theme park for Carolines, I'm quite excited. I have everyones phone number and bought a new notepad for my lessons. We've decied to rent a mobile each to get hold of each other as we want to call and for emergencies. It's important because we all live so apart. We also discussed host families and I realised I'm lucky as I'm in a quite well off family as I sleep in a bed and get normal food like toast for the morning (poor caroline had fish bone soup this morning). At one point me and Caroline went to the toilet and this crazy woman kept shouting at us to try help give us directions, was crazy. We have loads of plans for the week though so it should keep us busy. Our main sheduale is 9.00-12.00 is lesson time, 12.00-12.30 is free time, 12.30-1.30 is lunch, 1.30-2.00 is meeting time and 2.00-6.00 is filimg and work and sightseeing. Time after that will probably be for dinner as we don't want to burdan host families too much.
After our very long meeting we met up with 4 previous Korean students who studied at Bath Spa and 3 students going to the UK to study there in September. Mahinda was very nice and treated all of us to food at a nice Korean resturant. I sat next to a girl who was very persistant on making sure I ate alot of pepper paste, it was hot. I had Bimbamba which was beans, egg, seaweed and rice. It was very strange and I mainly ate seaweed and rice. Caroline was lucky as she got a car and the host family took her home, dropping Helena on the way. Lucy and I walked to the station and caught the metro. I was quite confused at first and thought I was going the wrong way but I was alright and I worked it out. I managed to get a seat today but about halfway the tube stopped and everyone had to get off. A man tried to explain that the cleaners had to come on and we had to catch the next tube. I'm pretty sure if he wasn't there I'd be cleaning a tube right now!! I managed to get off okay and find my way home. I was abit nervous on the way as it was dark and I was walking alone in the park but I got home okay.
My host mother just made me ice cream and fruit with a smoothie drink and we all talked about our days. Brother (that's what I'm having to call him) has an exam on the 7th and he is nervous. If he passes he gets a new game for his DS, he is studying very hard. I explained today that I actually live in Wales. I had to draw a map and explain what it was like there. I also managed to try out some Korean on them, they seemed very impressed. Host father is still not home, he works long hours, 8.00am until 10.00pm. I'm thinking of a shower now as I am very hot and sticky. I've been told to avoid fan death today that I'm allowed to open the window, hallujah!
Logging off for now,

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3. Facepack meal
Written at Monday 29 June 2009 | back to top

Hello all,
I'm not sure what it was, but last night my supper consisted of. I had broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, peppers and banana on a plate and then this stuff on it which I swear tasted of my face cream. It was so weird. I keep being fed a block of cheese as well. I'm eating it though so it's not too bad. I then went to bed only to be woken again cause host father was home. We decided on a plan and I have a key to the house. Then went to bed about 10.30ish. I had to turn off the fan because of fan death. Korean believe fans will kill you in the night, it's really funny.
Got up at 7 today and had a wash and stuff. Had a block of cheese for my brekkie. Host mother gave me some water and we set off into the metro. We walked for about 10 minutes and got to the metro. I now have this card thing that I have to put money on. I have no idea how it works. We travlled for an hour, got off and walked up the biggest hill ever. I got shown where our class is and now I'm just waiting for the others.
I'm not really liking it here at the moment and I want to go home.
Logging off for now,

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2. Onigiri
Written at Sunday 28 June 2009 | back to top

I am here in Korea at my host families house. It is all very nice, I'm living with the director of international studies, his wife and their son. So far I have unpacked and have just had my first Korean meal, omlette, rice and peppers with a nice glass of orange juice. iI'm down as a vegatrian on the trip to make my life abit easier. Apparently I like Omlettes now, well i'm not fussed but it's food. I am surprised at just how close the weather is, it is so hot and sticky! I can't wait to have a shower. The last 24 hours have been well interesting. Gina backed out literally last minute so mam and dad had to run me up to Heathrow. Caz, Mahinda and Helena arrived and we all checked in. After some amusing photos in Heathrow we got on the plane at about 10.30ish. We were all granted access first to the plane because Mahinda is a monk, it was dead funny. We arrived in Paris at 12, having to rush to the next gate and we found out we were all sitting seperately, so annoying. Mahinda had to wear bags on his feet due to his shoes having metal in lol. The in flight films were really good, I got to watch Madagascar 2, 101 dalmations, Adventures of Tintin and Friends. They also had pretty cool games to play. The food on the plane was icky, I just had a rice ball and a ton of bread and a pot noodle type thing. After 10 very boring very long hours we landed at about 7am and got our baggage and started the wait for the university people. At 10 they came and took us to Dongguk, which is an hour away in a taxi. Mahinda told us all we're fat and ned to lose 10lbs each and tried to get the girls and our poor driver set up. Finally we arrived and had a quick introduction where we met our host families. Everyone else has teenagers but I get the boss dude, bit gutted as all he done was put a piece a paper around my neck, put me in a taxi and wave goodbye, I know how it feels to be an evacuee after that expirence. His wife met me from the taxi and I have my own pair of around the house slippers. The toilet here is dead weird, too many buttons :S It's really quiet here, she doesn't speak much english and is just a housewife who goes out in the day. However she is nice and showed me how to work the computer! My mac is playing up :'(

I'm really homesick atm, just hit me that I'm here for a month and my birthday. :( I got to get to uni tomorrow by myself :( eek

Logging off for now,

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1. Packing and Waiting
Written at Saturday 27 June 2009 | back to top

Hi all,
At home in Wales typing atm and just about to have a cup of tea. Going to start packing my things now. I have no idea of what to take, just light clothes I guess. Gina and Caz text me saying how nervous they both are, I know the feeling. Gav should be coming round about 6 to have tea and many cwtches. Gina is going to pick me up in 12 hours time (5am) and we're going to set off to Heathrow. I'm abit anxious about luggage allowence and the fact that we only have one hour to transport everything between the two flights in Paris. Scary stuff. Lucy is already out in Korea so we'll be meeting up with her on Monday.
My new phone is going well so I'll be able to upload to this blog quite often to keep everyone up to date with my activities. My email is angharad,john@bathspa.org if anyone wants to contact me! I'm quite dissapointed with the fact that I'll be spending my birthday in Korea and not with my family and friends, but I'll be okay, I'm hoping we'll do something special for it.
Logging off for now,

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Editor : Angharad
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